Lecturer Profile:
NIP : 198312022008122002
NIDN : 0002128301
Group : III/d
Functional : Lecturer
Research :

Email : lia.destiarti@chemistry.untan.ac.id

Educational background :

  1. S1 : Chemistry, Tanjungpura University 2002-2006
  2. Masters : Analytical Chemistry, Padjadjaran University 2008-2010
  3. S3 : Doctoral Program in Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University 2021-2024

Research History:

  • 2021-2024 Green synthesis of graphene-based materials; heavy metal ions detection using reduced graphene oxide/dithizone by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry; adsorption of organic/inorganic materials.
  • 2019-2021 Application of titanium-silica-graphite/titanium-reduced 

History of  Community Service: 


  • 'Morning Talk' at SMAN 1 Sanggau Ledo, Bengkayang Regency to Increase Students' Motivation and Interest in Continuing their Education to Higher Education
  • Increasing Food Security Through Training Activities in Making Corn-Based Crackers for the Community of Kamuh Village, Sevenbelas District, Bengkayang Regency
  • Education on Preventing Covid 19 Transmission at the 'Aisyiyah Nur Fauzi Orphanage Orphanage, Pontianak, West Kalimantan
  • Training on Making Hand Washing Soap (Handsoap) at the Muhammadiyah Tunas Melati Orphanage, Pontianak, West Kalimantan