Lecturer Profile:
NIP : 196904191996012002
NIDN : 0019046902
Group : IV/b
Functional : Senior Lecturer
Research :

Email : titin.anita.zaharah@chemistry.untan.ac.id

Educational background : 

  1. S1 : Department of Chemistry, FMIPA, Riau University
  2. Masters : Department of Environmental Science, Gajah Mada University

History of Research and Community Service:

  • Carrying out research in the field of advanced materials, separation of residual components from bauxite processing, application of materials for waste water treatment.
  • Carrying out community service in the context of utilizing solid waste (garbage)
  • Become an Expert in the Assessment of Technical Study Documents for Technical Approval of Waste Water Treatment at the West Kalimantan Provincial Environment and Forestry Service 
  • Become the Provincial KLHS Document Appraiser Validator Team. West Kalimantan