Lecturer Profile:
NIP : 197201271998022001
NIDN : 27017203
Group : IV/a
Functional : Senior Lecturer
Research :

Email : puji.ardiningsih@chemistry,untan.ac.id

Educational background :

  • S1 : Bogor Agricultural Institute
  • Masters : University of Indonesia

History of Research and Community Service:

  • Research in the Last 5 Years 1. Fractionation and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds from Crocodile Agarwood (Aetoxylon sympetalum) Essential Oil. Member), (DIPA MIPA 2024
  • Antioxidant test and Physico-Chemical characterization of oil based on VCO herbs and Spices Add turmeric, ginger, betel leaves and garlic. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2023)
  • Antioxidant test and Physico-Chemical characterization of oil based on VCO herbs and Spices Add turmeric, ginger, betel leaves and garlic. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2022)
  • Isolation of endophytic fungal medicinal plants and their antibacterial activity against several antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria as well as inhibition of the alpha-glucosidase enzyme. Chairman, (DIPA MIPA 2022)
  • Effect of Adding Dried Kesum (Polygonum minus Huds) Leaves on the Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Paddasi Porridge. Member) ( DIPA MIPA 2021)
  • Isolation of crocodile agarwood essential oil (Aeotoxylon sympetalum) and identification of active compounds using GC MS (member) (DIPA MIPA 2021)
  • Antibacterial activity test of essential oils from kaffir lime leaves, chili lime, roof tip leaves, nutmeg leaves, and bangle rhizomes against Staphylococcus mutans: Search for essential oil-based ingredients in preventing dental caries (member, (DIPA MIPA 2020)
  • Testing the Activity of Essential Oils from Three Typical Plants of West Kalimantan in Inhibiting Bacteria and Fungi that Cause Skin Diseases, Member, (DIPA MIPA 2019)
  • Combination of natural antimicrobial endophytes and flavonoids from kandis acid (Garcinia dioica Blume) as a natural biopreservative, Chairman (Dikti, 2019)
  • PKM: Training on making dab soap from household waste oil for the residents of Pantai Burung in Sedau Village, South Singkawang. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2023
  • PKM: Training on Making Astaxanthin-Rich Virgin Coconut Oil from Cincalok at the Majantu Bay Tourism Awareness Group, Sedau Village, South Singkawang. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2023)
  • PKM: Training on Making Hand Sanitizer for Young
  • Women in Kuala Dua Village, Kubu Raya. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2022)PKM: Training on Making Hand Washing Soap in the Context of Education on the 5M Movement to Prevent the Spread of Covid 19 for Mothers in Kuala Dua Village, Kubu Raya. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2022)
  • PKM: Increasing the Understanding of Business Actors in West Kalimantan in Implementing a Halal Product Guarantee System in Companies. Member, (Mandiri Fund, 2021)
  • PKM: Introduction to vacuum based packaging and assistance with brand registration for seafood products from KUB Mina Sejahtera, Penjajap village, Pemangkat subdistrict. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2021)
  • PKM: Training webinar on making natural sunscreen lotion from natural dyes in the context of introducing the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry study program to female students. Members, (DIPA MIPA 2021)
  • PKM: Training on Making Hand Washing Soap (Handsoap) at the Muhammadiyah Tunas Melati Orphanage, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Chairman, (DIPA MIPA 2020)
  • PKM: Education on Preventing Covid 19 Transmission at the 'Aisyiyah Nur Fauzi Orphanage Home, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2020)
  • PKM: Increasing the added value of corn husk waste into handicrafts with high economic value for the Kamuh village community.Member, (DIPA MIPA 2019)
  • PKM: Motivational talk at SMA Negeri 1 Ledo Bengkayang Regency to increase students' interest in continuing their studies at UNTAN. Member, (DIPA MIPA 2019)