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Cheese-making Training To Introduce The Colloid System And Its Properties To High School Students In Pontianak

The Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, held Community Service activities for students at Al-Fityan Kubu Raya High School. The PkM activity was entitled "Training on Cheese Making in the Context of Introducing the Colloid System and its Properties to High School Students in Pontianak". This activity was chaired by Winda Rahmalia, S.Sc., M.Si. The PKM implementation was carried out on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. The activity began with a friendly atmosphere between the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Study Program and representatives of Al-Fityan Kubu Raya High School teachers. The activity continued with remarks and introductions from both parties.

The core activity is providing basic material about colloid systems and their properties, as well as practical work on making cheese. The PKM Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program team also distributed Simple Chemistry Practicum Worksheets for High School Students as an output product which is expected to become a practicum implementation module that can be implemented at Al-Fityan Kubu Raya High School.



Evaluation of activities is carried out by distributing pretests and posttests to students to estimate the success of implementing activities. Questionnaires were distributed before and after the activity. The results show increased students' knowledge and understanding of basic material regarding colloid systems and applications in cheese making. Activities become more interesting with quiz sessions and door prizes. 

Overall, this PKM activity was successfully implemented, and a very enthusiastic response was received from both the school and the students who took part in it. This activity also opens up opportunities for collaboration between the UNTAN Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty Chemistry Study Program and Al-Fityan Kubu Raya High School.