The Community Service Team (PKM) Lecturers in the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University held an outreach to improve psychomotor aspects through chemistry practicum for students at SMAN Kubu Raya, one of which was SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. Psychometrics relates to student learning outcomes which are achieved through skills as evidence of the achievement of knowledge competency. This skills competency is an implication of achieving knowledge competency for students. A student's psychomotor abilities are closely related to skill abilities which can be seen through practical or experimental activities. The PKM Lecturer Team is led directly by Mr. Firman Shantya Budi, S.Pd., M.Sc. The activity was held on Tuesday, July 16 2024, and was attended by students of SMAN 1 Kubu Raya.
This activity was attractive and created various discussions between lecturers, assistants, and students. Starting from providing basic material on acid-base titration and electrolyte solutions by the lecturer to carrying out practical work on both materials accompanied directly by a practical assistant. The practicum was carried out to determine the properties of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions based on electrical conductivity using circuit tester media, as well as acid-base titration. This activity is filled with simple practicums and the provision of basic material by Chemistry Study Program lecturers related to the practicums being carried out. The PkM Chemistry Study Program team also distributed materials and worksheets as output products which are expected to become practicum implementation modules that can be applied at SMAN 1 Kubu Raya, because the modules have been prepared by paying attention to the use of simple chemical tools and materials.
Kegiatan ini berlangsung atraktif dan tercipta beragam diskusi antara dosen, asisten dan siswa/i. Mulai dari pemberian materi dasar tentang titrasi asam basa dan larutan elektrolit oleh dosen hingga dilakukan praktikum kedua materi tersebut yang didampingi langsung oleh asisten praktikum. Praktikum yang dilaksanakan, yaitu penentuan sifat larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit berdasarkan daya hantar listrik dengan menggunakan media circuit tester, serta titrasi asam basa. Kegiatan ini diisi dengan praktikum sederhana dan pemberian materi dasar oleh dosen Prodi Kimia berkaitan dengan praktikum yang dilaksanakan. Tim PkM Prodi Kimia juga membagikan materi dan lembar kerja sebagai produk luaran yang diharapkan dapat menjadi modul pelaksanaan praktikum yang dapat diterapkan di SMAN 1 Kubu Raya, karena modul tersebut telah disusun dengan memperhatikan penggunaan alat dan bahan-bahan kimia yang sederhana.
Activities become more interesting with quiz sessions and door prizes. Then, the PkM team also distributed pretests, posttests, and questionnaires before and after the activity to students to estimate the success of implementing the activity. The results show an increase in student's knowledge and understanding of basic material and practical use of acid-base titration and electrolyte solutions. This is an assessment of psychomotor aspects that can be measured through:
direct observation and assessment of student behavior during the practical learning process,
after participating in learning, namely by giving tests to students to measure knowledge, skills, and attitudes,
sometime after the learning is completed and can later be applied to everyday or work environments.
Assessment can be carried out during the process, namely when students are doing practice, or after the process takes place by testing students, one of which is through practical worksheet results.
Overall, this PkM activity was successfully implemented, and a very enthusiastic response was received from both the school and the students who took part in it. This activity also opens up opportunities for collaboration between the UNTAN Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty Chemistry Study Program and SMAN 1 Kubu Raya. The PKM Lecturer Team hopes that this activity can provide benefits as provisions, enthusiasm, and motivation for students as they move towards higher education in the future.