The Community Service Team (PKM) Lecturers in the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University held a socialization on the use of chemical instruments to students at SMAN Kubu Raya, one of which was Al-Fityan Kubu Raya. This activity is intended as a form of introduction and use of chemical instrumentation, one of which is UV-Vis Spectrophotometric Instrumentation. The PKM Lecturer Team is led directly by Mr. Adhityawarman, Ph.D. The socialization was held on Tuesday, July 16 2024, which was attended by students from classes XI and XII in the Chemistry Specialization.
The socialization activities were attractive and created various discussions between lecturers, assistants and students. The students received information about the use of chemical instrumentation, namely UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Starting from providing basic material on UV-Vis spectrophotometry to the practical use of these instruments accompanied by a practical assistant. This is one medium to provide students with an overview of the use of chemical instrumentation tools. Activities become more interesting with quiz sessions and door prizes.
Activity evaluation is carried out by distributing questionnaires to students to estimate the success of implementing the activity. Questionnaires were distributed before and after the activity. The results of the questionnaire showed an increase in student's knowledge and understanding regarding basic material and practical use of chemical instruments, namely UV-Vis Spectrophotometry.
There is great hope from the PKM Team of Lecturers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Department that this activity can provide benefits as provisions, enthusiasm, and motivation for students as they move towards higher education in the future.