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1001 Utilization Of Durian Fruit: Efforts To Transfer Science And Technology To The Community

1001 Utilization of Durian Fruit: Efforts to Transfer Science and Technology to the Community

0Durian fruit is very famous for its distinctive and delicious aroma and taste. This fruit is a type of fruit that has the potential to be developed into various forms of processed food and other products. Processing durian fruit flesh, seeds, and skin is one of the efforts to preserve durian fruit and utilize its waste. Products that can be produced through durian processing include wingko, moci, lempok, ikan pepes, chocolate filled with lempok (flesh), chips (seeds), compost, briquettes, and jam (skin). This is a solution to dealing with the abundance of durian fruit when the harvest season arrives. Apart from that, through production on a home industry scale, it is hoped that it can improve the standard of living of durian farmers.

6FMIPA UNTAN team consisting of lecturers and students seeks to apply the knowledge they have gained through the transfer of science and technology (IPTEK) to the community in processing durian fruit flesh, seeds, and skin. This effort was realized through the "Student Work Lecture - Science and Technology for the Community" (KKM IbM) for UNTAN FMIPA Students (October 2010 - February 2011) entitled "1001 Uses of Durian Fruit for the Community" which contained outreach and training activities for the community in PAL IX Village, District. Sui. Snapper, Kab. Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. The student team consisted of Nirza Fardhana, Wivina Diah, Brigita Elita, Dinda Afritha, Kiki Komalasari, Risyan Oktinsalindri, Deni, Endah Rumiyati, Nur Baskoro, Delima, Yongki Alexander, Rudiansah, Totok Sugiantoro, Kahar Muzakar and Arie Kiswanto.

The closing ceremony for the IBM KKM FMIPA UNTAN Students (Thursday/17-02-2011) was held directly in PALIX Village. This event was attended by Prof. Dr. Thamrin Usman, DEA as Dean of FMIPA UNTAN, accompanied by several lecturers including Dra. Harlia, M.Si, Winda Rahmalia, S.Si, M.Si, Nelly Wahyuni, S.Si, M.Si, Rudiyansyah, Ph.D and Lia Destiarti, S.Si, M.Si

15Prof. Thamrin, in his speech, hoped that the IBM KKM program could provide positive and sustainable benefits. The program that has been implemented is the first step in collaboration between the FMIPA UNTAN campus and the durian farming community in PAL IX Village. Apart from that, he advised that the donated durian processing equipment be managed well. It is hoped that the innovative products that have been produced through the IBM KKM can also continue to be developed so that they can become quality commodities typical of West Kalimantan, both on a local and national scale. This is what is expected to improve the standard of living of durian farmers as producers of this innovative product. IBM KKM is also a forum for training students' entrepreneurial spirit. The continuation plan for this program is to make PAL IX Village, Kec. Sui. Snapper, Kab. Kubu Raya is an UNTAN target area. This is an effort so that people, especially in West Kalimantan, can get to know UNTAN in various aspects, not only through education but also through community service.

25Meanwhile, according to Nirza Fardhana as student team coordinator, this socialization and training activity has been carried out in several hamlets in PAL IX Village. This selection was based on the location being a center for Natural Resources (SDA), especially as a durian producer. He said he was very grateful for the community's excellent support and enthusiasm in participating in the activities. The Head of PAL IX Village, M. Nurdin, S.Pd expressed his gratitude for the trust he had been given to implement the IbM KKM in PAL IX Village and was ready to support UNTAN's regional/village programs. Furthermore, the IBM KKM program was officially closed by the District Head Secretary Sui. Snapper, Rusfendi Usman. This event ended with the symbolic handover of equipment donated by FMIPA UNTAN to the PAL IX Village, which was followed by a friendly reception.