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Let's Experiment! Visit The Chemistry Department Stand, Fmipa Untan At The 2017 Education Expo

IMG-20170509-WA0039In the framework of the 58th Anniversary of Untan, Tanjungpura University held an Education Expo from 8-10 May 2017 starting at 7.30-21.00 WIB. The theme raised was "With the 58th Anniversary of Tanjungpura University, We Strengthen Diversity to Advance the Nation." This Education Expo was also enlivened by a street music festival and the selection of the 2017 International Language Ambassador. The Education Expo event which was held at the Untan Auditorium featured all faculties and study programs at Tanjungpura University. Visitors who attend can visit all faculty and study program stands displaying their works, including the Chemistry Department stand, FMIPA, and Tanjungpura University.



Tanjungpura University FMIPA Chemistry Department presented a mini research project, namely Acid-Base Titration. Acid-base titration involves an acid or base as a titer or titrant. This mini research uses hydrochloric acid (HCl) as the titrant and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as the titer. In Acid-Base Titrations, indicators are also used to determine the equivalence point by looking at the color changes that occur. There are two types of indicators prepared, namely PP Indicators and Methyl Orange.


Every visitor who comes to the Chemistry Department stand can carry out this experiment accompanied by chemistry students. Visitors will be asked several questions regarding the experiments carried out, if anyone can answer these questions correctly they will receive an attractive prize from the chemistry department, FMIPA Untan. This mini research is considered very important to be displayed at educational expos because Acid-Base Titration is widely applied in everyday life. One of them is to determine the acidity level in vinegar. The principle of neutralization in acid-base titration is also applied in the manufacture of medicines such as ulcer medicine. Ulcer medication containing the base Mg(OH)2 will neutralize stomach acid (HCl) to form the neutral MgCl2 salt.

IMG-20170509-WA0031Not only that, the stand also exhibited the works of students and lecturers from the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University. Some of the works exhibited at this Education Expo include an aromatherapy device (Bromesateur) made from the aroma of citronella and soap flowers. The soap is made from palm oil waste and some from ketapang seeds. The coloring used in soap also uses natural ingredients, namely sumba fruit. Wow, interesting isn't it? If you want to see other works and experiments directly, please immediately visit the Chemistry Department stand, FMIPA Untan. This stand also provides information services for visitors who want to know information about the Profile of the Chemistry Department and Postgraduate Program (Master of Chemistry) FMIPA Tanjungpura University, provides a photo booth for visitors who want to immortalize the moment and attractive door prizes for lucky visitors!

Come visit the FMIPA Untan chemistry department stand immediately!

Chemistry, Improving Science for a Better Future!