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Chemistry Insight Center Introduces Chemistry In A Fun Way

Chemistry Insight Center or abbreviated as CIC is a public service program from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University which aims to provide educational services and assistance in enriching natural science, especially chemistry in theory, practice, academic writing and downstream research products in the field of chemistry. The Chemistry Insight Center was established in April 2019 and chaired by Mrs. Intan Syahbanu, S.Si., M.Si.

The services provided by CIC Untan are skills training and mastery of chemical analysis, laboratory analysis, fun chemistry for kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, advance chemistry for special purposes (preparation for Olympics, preparation for entering state universities and preparation for national exams) and academic writing (guidance for writing scientific papers and publication articles.).

In order to fill the activities of elementary school children during the school vacation period, CIC held an activity entitled Fun Chemistry for Kids. This activity was held for 5 days from July 1 to 5, 2019. Fun Chemistry for Kids took the theme "Getting to Know Chemistry Early on from the Surrounding Environment in a Fun Way". This exciting activity was chaired by Mrs. Nurlina, S.Si., M.Sc and assisted by Chemistry Department students from various generations. The first day of activities was opened by the head of the Chemistry Study Program, Mrs. Imelda Silalahi, Ph.D. She said that the target of Chemistry Insight Center services is all levels of society in general, especially those who are involved in the world of education and from among the relevant agencies, both for individual and group needs.

Exciting activities carried out by children for 5 days at Fun Chemistry for Kids activities include:

  • Explore Plasticine

In this activity, the 'plasticine' in question is soap. Soap was first made from cooking oil. The soap that has been formed is then colored and shaped according to the children's creativity like plasticine.

  • Chem Outbound

In this activity, the children were given an explanation about the division of waste, namely inorganic and organic waste and how to utilize it. Inorganic waste was utilized into eco bricks in this activity. Plastic bag waste has been brought by the children from home, then the waste is put into a plastic bottle which is also waste until the bottle becomes very dense. The solid bottles were combined with each other and then made into a bench. This activity also presented UPPO House, UNTAN's educational compost house, which is a business in the field of social education that provides information, insight and waste processing activities, especially organic waste. UPPO House explained the utilization of organic waste into compost using a composter. This tool will produce two types of fertilizer, namely liquid fertilizer and solid fertilizer that has a selling value.

  • Visit Volcano

The children were taught to make artificial volcanoes using baking soda, vinegar, food coloring and liquid soap.  In this activity, participants were also told the positive and negative impacts of the existence of volcanoes.

  • Natural painting Class dan lomba lukis tas.

The bags used in the natural painting class are bags created from recycled waste that has been utilized by the Waste Bank. The Natural Painting Class used natural colors from fruit plants including: turmeric, suji leaves, dayak onions, dragon fruit, and others. Participants were given an explanation of pigments, which are a collection of dyes that give color to fruits. The colors were then applied to paint the bags.

  • Happy Cooking Class

In this activity, children are introduced to the concept of catalysts, which are substances that accelerate reactions. The catalyst used in making bread dough is yeast. The children made and compared two types of pizza dough using yeast and without yeast. Pizza made with the addition of yeast is more fluffy, tastier and softer in texture, then created with various toppings, baked, and enjoyed together.

This activity was even more exciting because of the Bag Painting Competition. The winners of the painting competition were divided into two categories, namely the 10-13 year old category and the 6-9 year old category. Winners of the bag painting competition in the 10-13 years age category:

1st place : Nisrina Syadza Fatan

2nd place : Reinishifa Disa Keeny

3rd place : Siti Aleira Fidzelia Narendri

Winners of the bag painting competition in the 6-9 years age category:

1st place : Kinta Calista Pandan wangi

2nd place : Nisrina Athari

3rd place: Keyko Aprillia Disty

In addition to giving awards for Bag Painting Competition activities, this activity also gave awards to participants with the most active, friendliest and most favorite participant categories. The awardees include:

Most active participant: Asha Latisha Ardinia

Friendliest participant: M. Yahya Pangestu

Most-favorite participant : Myfira Chiata Vanlie

Source: The Tanjungpura Times


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