Chemistry Insight Center (CIC) FMIPA Untan collaborated again with SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak in the second Science Day activity in 2024 on Saturday, 26 May 2024. This time the Science Day activity had the theme "Fun Science Experiment" which was attended by class students special intelligent (CI) levels 3CI, 4CI, and 5CI with a total of 65 participants.
The aim of holding Science Day activities is to introduce chemistry to students by conducting experiments to make it more fun and easier to understand because so far students only get the theory in class, so with this activity it is hoped that they can sharpen the knowledge or theory they have learned. they accept.
Some of the experiments carried out in this activity include Circuit Tester, Magic Ice, Digestive System, and Solar Eclipse System. In each experiment, the students will be accompanied by older brothers and sisters who will present experimental material with simple and easy to understand explanations. Apart from that, the materials and props used are made as interesting as possible so that little scientists don't get bored and develop a great desire to learn chemistry.
Circuit tester experiments use solutions that are easily found in everyday life such as saline solution (infusion), Coca Cola, Pocari sweet, yakult and cooking oil. This experiment was carried out so that little scientists could know the characteristics and be able to differentiate between the solutions used, including strong electrolyte, weak electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions based on the results of research observations.
The Magic ice experiment was carried out so that little scientists know about changes in the state of gas and its characteristics through chemical reactions. In this experiment, there is a change in the state of the object from liquid to solid, which is called solidification, which is assisted by coarse salt to lower the freezing point of the ice cubes.
The Digestive System experiment was carried out so that little scientists would know the digestive process that occurs in the human body from the process it enters the mouth to exit through the anus. The experimental process is assisted by teaching aids that have been made as attractive as possible so that they are easy for little scientists to understand.
The Solar Eclipse System experiment was carried out so that young scientists know about the solar system and the direction of rotation that causes lunar and solar eclipses. Apart from that, little scientists also study the rotation and revolution of the Earth which causes several events, one of which is the change in years and days that occur on planet Earth.
The activity was opened by the Principal of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak, Mrs. Hj. Yumi Pariyanti, S.Pd with the Secretary of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA Untan, Mrs. Dr. Endah Sayekti, S.Si., M.Si and attended by the Head of the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA Untan and Chair of the Chemistry Insight Center (CIC), Mrs. Dr. Winda Rahmalia, S.Si., M.Si, as well as CIC supervisor lecturers, Mrs. Intan Syahbanu, S.Si., M.Si and Mrs. Risya Sasri, S.Si., M.Sc.
In her speech, the Principal of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak, Mrs. Hj. Yumi Pariyanti, S.Pd said that this activity was one of the school's efforts to increase scientific knowledge. Hopefully in the future this activity can continue.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Untan FMIPA Department also expressed the hope that the material in this Science Day activity will be very useful for students in raising enthusiasm for learning and stimulating students to love science in order to create superior scientists.
Apart from experimenting, students also carried out pretests and posttests to measure their understanding of the experimental material. There are also games and attractive prizes, so that participants enjoy the entire series of events. This activity was closed by the Deputy Principal for curriculum, Mrs. Octavia Shinta Aryani, M.Pd and at the same time gave medals to the students as a form of appreciation for participating in a series of events to the end.