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Chemistry Motivation Talk: Event To Increase High School Students' Interest In Learning Chemistry

Education is one of the main instruments in developing the abilities or potential of a nation's next generation to become quality human resources. Students' interest in continuing their studies at higher education (PT) can be seen from the attitude of students who begin to pay attention and focus on something that is their desire which is realized through efforts to dig up information about the university they want. Interest does not arise suddenly/spontaneously, but arises from participation, experience, habits when studying and working. This interest can be influenced by many factors, both from outside and from within the student.

Factors from within the student can be in the form of the desire to realize educational goals, develop talents and interests, while external factors can be in the form of the influence of the family environment, relationships or the benefits of the student's participation in career guidance services at school.

To  increase students' motivation and interest  in continuing their education at Tanjungpura University, the chemistry department carries out community service activities in the form of 'motivation talks' at 2 high schools in Bengkayang Regency, namely SMA 1 Ledo and SMA 1 Sanggau Ledo. In this activity, information was presented about Tanjungpura University, especially regarding the Chemistry Department. Several opportunities for managing natural resources in Bengkayang Regency that require expertise and knowledge of chemistry were also presented. This is to provide an overview of job opportunities and the role of chemistry student graduates in society, industry and government. This activity received a positive response from the school and students with many questions asked.

Author by Nelly Wahyuni ​​(Chief Executive of PKM at SMA 1 Ledo)