Tanjungpura University FMIPA Chemistry Masters Study Program held CHEMWEBINAR with the theme "COVID-19: A CHALLENGE IN BUILDING CIVILIZATION"
Source person :
- Ir. Edi Rusdi Kamtono, M.M., M.T. (Mayor of Pontianak): Community Participation in Stopping the Spread of COVID-19
- Prof. Dr. H. Thamrin Usman, DEA (Professor of Chemistry, Tanjungpura University): Potential of Local Natural Resources for Handling COVID-19
- Dr. Muhammad Asroruddin, Sp.M. (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University): Detection and Treatment of COVID-19 in West Kalimantan
- Risa Nofiani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D (Lecturer in Biochemistry, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University): The Role of Immunity in Facing COVID-19
The seminar was held online using Google Meet on Saturday, May 16 2020, 9.00-12.00 WIB

To join, please register first via the following link: bit.ly/chemwebinar-untan
Thank You.