Fun Chemistry for Kids for Ages 6-13 is Open. Chemistry is the science that studies matter and its changes. Is it a change in color, shape, reaction, etc. If you hear the word 'Chemistry', some people will be amazed. Others will 'keep their distance' because this knowledge is considered difficult. In contrast to that, the Chemistry Insight Center (CIC) from the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Untan will even hold a Science Class entitled Fun Chemistry For Kids for children aged between 6-13 years.
UNTAN's Chemistry Insight Center (CIC) offers science class activities which would be a shame to miss, especially as this activity is carried out to fill children's holidays in the city of Pontianak.
If your son/daughter is aged 6-13 years, let's register immediately to take part in fun activities with CIC Untan, including:
Fun Chemistry For Kids will be held on 1 -5 July 2019.
Activities: 08.00 to 12.00 WIB
Location of activity: IBT Training Room, 2nd Floor, Tanjungpura University Building, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi Pontianak.
Registration fee is Rp. 350,000,- (includes kit, snacks, souvenirs and Bank BTN savings book).
Apart from the participant age requirement of 6-13 years, the administrative requirements that we require (for the purposes of opening a Savings Book from Bank BTN) include:
Registration can be done at the following places:
Contact Person:
Nurlina (08565007483)
Hani (085773483003)
Mothers and Fathers who are interested can immediately fill out the Fun Chemistry for Kids form as follows and send it to the contact above.
Let's introduce chemistry to children from now on as our contribution to the development of better science in the future.