Ricco Andrean William, a student at the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) succeeded in making the campus proud at the national level by becoming the champion in the 2013 National Scientific Writing Competition organized by the Indonesian Chemistry Student Association (IKAHIMKI) and the State University OXYGEN Chemistry Department Student Association. Malang (UM) entitled "IKAHIMKI CARNIVAL" with the theme "Exploring the Potential of Writing to Improve Nature using Chemical Methods". This activity took place 15-16 June 2013 in the FMIPA UM Hall, Malang - East Java.
Ricco, who represented UNTAN with the title "Utilization of Ni/SiO2 as a Catalyst from Glass Waste in the Catalytic Cracking of Polyethylene Plastic Waste into Gasoline" succeeded in becoming First Place and outperforming representatives from the University of Indonesia (UI/2nd Place) and Haluoleo University (UNHALU/ 3rd Place). Apart from that, several finalist representatives who participated included: Sebelas Maret University, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Brawijaya University, Malang State University, Surabaya State University, and Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. In this competition, Ricco was guided by Mrs. Berlian Sitorus, S.Si, M.Si, M.Sc assisted by Mr Syahrul Khairi, S.Si, M.Eng.
UNTAN Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Thamrin Usman, DEA, who received Ricco in his office, expressed his pride and congratulations on the achievements made by UNTAN students in the field of Scientific Writing. This is proof that the quality of UNTAN education is superior and its quality is gradually increasing. He hopes that the achievements of UNTAN students can motivate other students to continue working, to provide their best work. UNTAN always tries to facilitate its students in various fields of competition. Of course, coaching on the campus where students study is the main thing in supporting positive student activities. This is also in line with UNTAN's goal to produce quality output/graduates. "The educational process and experience will be a provision for the future," he said.
Apart from that, Mrs. Berlian Sitorus, S.Si, M.Si, M.Sc as the Writing Supervisor stated that Ricco's success was the result of his hard work, persistence, and tenacity. Ricco is known as a talented student in terms of scientific presentations. This ability is indeed one of the assessments in the LKTI competition. Furthermore, Ricco personally expressed his thanks to all parties who had supported him in achieving this achievement.
Ricco expressed his gratitude to the campus, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the University, especially the Chancellor of UNTAN, it was with their help that I was able to take part in the selection stage II (Presentation) at the State University of Malang. I would also like to express my thanks to my parents, Chemistry lecturers at FMIPA UNTAN, and my colleagues who have given me encouragement, encouragement, and prayers. Realizing that I was the only representative from Kalimantan, especially from UNTAN, I was determined to try and give my best during the second phase of selection to answer all the support to me with good news. He also invited UNTAN students to continue to actively participate in various self-development activities, such as: in the field of writing. According to him, UNTAN students themselves have qualities that are no less than students from leading universities in Indonesia. High fighting spirit (never giving up even if you lose), the willingness to continue learning, and improving your quality are 3 aspects that play a very big role in determining success.