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Himki Care: A Form Of Chemistry Students' Concern For Others

22Himki Care is one of the superior work programs in the field of Information and Communication (Infokom) of the Chemistry Student Association. This work program is divided into two parts, namely Himki Cares MIPA and Himki Goes to Orphanages. A few days ago, on Saturday, March 18, 2017, Himki Care was carried out at the Jihadul Fitrah Orphanage, Rasau Jaya. This time Himki Care collaborated with the Campus Environmental Adaptation Committee (Silika). This activity was attended by 123 people consisting of new students, Himki administrators, the Himki Advisory Board, the Silica Committee, the Steering Committee (SC), and chemistry residents. Himki Care aims to foster the social spirit of chemistry students towards the community in the surrounding environment.


 Donations given to the Jihadul Fitrah Orphanage were in the form of money, necessities, books, and suitable clothes. Apart from that, before ending the activity, new students from the class of 2016 performed a simple experiment. They invited the children from the orphanage to play together while introducing simple applications of chemistry. The experiments carried out included making simple bombs. This experiment is an application of the acid-base theory. Not only that, the orphanage children were also invited to make ice cream using the principle of colligative properties of solutions.


"Alhamdulillah, Himki Care activities this time went smoothly. All thanks to the good cooperation between the Silika Committee and the Orphanage who welcomed us. "We also thank the chemistry community who also provided moral and material support to make this activity possible." That was the response of Utin Widiatannur as Head of Himki's Infocom Division for the 2016/2017 Period when interviewed by the Editorial Team of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University.

 "We hope that this activity can improve the social spirit of others and introduce chemistry to younger students that chemistry is not dangerous but fun," was the response from Irma Deva Oktaviani as Head of Himki's PSDM Division for the 2016/2017 Period who also added an explanation.


Photo source: Chemistry Student Association Facebook

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