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Chemistry For Effective Waste Management Systems

The Academic Community of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA Untan continues to expand their knowledge through various public lectures, including those related to waste processing systems. This activity was carried out in room H1.4 FMIPA Untan which was attended by 86 people with the theme "The Role of Chemistry in Creating a Clean and Healthy Environment: Waste Management Systems".

Surya Nengsih, S.Si., M.Sc as the speaker who is also an Alumni of Chemistry, FMIPA Untan Class of 2002, explained that in the waste processing system, it is very important to have cooperation between the community, government and academics. He said each party had a different role. For example, academics, especially chemistry students, are required to be able to apply chemistry in managing waste. Findings or innovations in waste management have a big impact on creating a clean and healthy environment, for example prevention, reuse, recycling, other recovery (including energy), landfill and disposal control.

Sis Surya also explained that currently waste handling at final disposal sites (TPA) uses open dumping and sanitary landfill & controlled landfill. Waste handling through open dumping is carried out by transporting waste from temporary disposal sites (TPS) and then placing it in the landfill without further processing. Meanwhile, handling through sanitary landfills and controlled landfills is carried out by transporting waste from the TPS to the TPA where further processing of the waste is carried out. Processing through landfills is carried out by burying waste in an earthen excavation whose walls have been coated with a membrane (geomembrane).

This activity closed with a question and answer session, where all participants seemed very enthusiastic about wanting to know about waste and its handling system. This can be seen from the number of participants who asked questions. One of them is related to how liquid waste from households and B3 waste is processed? "Household liquid waste can be handled by using products that are environmentally friendly, meanwhile handling B3 waste can be done by converting B3 waste into raw materials for making asphalt or bricks which can be studied from several literatures," said the graduate of Flinders University, Australia. the.