Education is the best weapon you can use to change the world -Nelson Mandela.
The Chemistry Department of FMIPA Untan had a special guest, Mayaza Suyuti from the French Embassy/IFI (Institut Francais Indonesia) in collaboration with Tanjungpura University's French Shop. The agenda this time is to introduce a golden opportunity for final-year undergraduate students, master's students in chemistry, and chemistry lecturers to continue their education in the country whose capital is known as the most romantic city in the world. The theme of this agenda: "Prospects for Further Study and Research in France".
The existence of international relations between countries in the field of education makes it easier for us to migrate to foreign countries to study while also seeking as much experience as possible from overseas campuses. Studying abroad or studying abroad is one way that is worth trying and fighting for.
One country that provides opportunities for foreign students to study in their country is France. With the motto: Liberté, égalité, fraternité (Liberty, equality, and fraternity) all higher education institutions in France provide equal rights for their students, regardless of whether students are local or from abroad. All students studying in France receive the same amount of government subsidy, namely £184 for bachelor's level, £256 for master's and £391 for doctoral programs. France provides equal educational opportunities at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. Not only subsidies for education costs, students in France also get other rights such as health insurance and others.
What's more interesting is that universities in France do not require their students to master French because learning is done in English. Simply attach an English language proficiency certificate such as TOEFL, IELTS, or other certificates and we can continue our education in France.
Apart from international standard quality education, this country also offers several tourist attractions, including historical tourism, natural tourism, and very tempting culinary tourism. There is also the possibility of mobility to European countries that directly neighbor France, such as England (United Kingdom) and Germany. This advantage is certainly one of the reasons why continuing your education in France is very attractive.
There are several types of scholarships offered, including the Indonesian Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP), EIFEL Scholarship, French University, Regional Scholarships for each region in France, and Erasmus. You can access all this further at or you can also visit the Untan French Shop on the 2nd floor of the Tanjungpura University library. Note the registration time and prepare all the required files such as essay, CV, project plan, and others.
Mrs. Winda, who is a doctoral graduate in Agroindustrial Chemistry from the Institut Nationale Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, said, "I hope that many people can study in France and do research there too."
So far, Tanjungpura University has collaborated with several universities in France. One of them is the Universite de Toulouse and the Universite de Poitier. However, it does not rule out the possibility that students want to study at other universities apart from these two universities.
Good luck. End poverty with education. #Nings