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Why Can't We Give Up Sugar?

If we eat ice cream, chocolate, candy and birthday cake, it will definitely make us... happy! Even though people say sweet foods make us fat, it seems like sugar can't be separated from life. But, why does our body need sugar? Enjoy the video!

In short, our bodies need the energy they get from sugar! For example, sugar is like coal that makes trains able to go to Bandung and Surabaya. But if we think that sugar only looks like this or this, in fact sugar is also obtained from foods that contain carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and fruit. But, does eating foods containing sugar prevent us from running out of energy?

The answer is, no! It turns out, there are various types of sugar and all of them are not good if eaten a lot. In short, there are types of sugar that are easily absorbed - or what is called simple carbohydrates - and there are also those that process it like doing a math problem, aka, uh, really complicated! Well, most of the two of them don't make us run out of energy, but actually make our stomachs bloated. How come?

In short, when we eat carbohydrates, it makes the blood sugar in our body... go up! When the body detects sugar, a force called insulin will appear and move the sugar into the body's cells to be processed into energy or STORED in the muscles. However, when sugar levels in the body immediately spike, insulin will be overwhelmed and ultimately, sugar can no longer be stored in the muscles.

If you have too much sugar, the body looks for other ways to store it, and the easiest one: converting it into fat! That's because our fat cells can store unlimited amounts of energy. If that happens, sugar will cause fat to pile up, the stomach will bulge, obesity, and worst of all, it can cause us to have a heart attack!

Sugar is important for us, but don't forget to eat other nutritious and fibrous foods. Because not only can it attract an army of ants, too much sugar can also make our stomachs fat. And as always, thank you.

Article from Kok Bisa Channel

