Behind the controversy, kratom contains compounds that are beneficial to humanity. Tanjungpura University chemistry professor, Prof Dr Thamrin Usman DEA said that the compounds Mitragynin, Paynentein, Speciociliatine and Spyciogine in kratom are analgesic. This compound functions to treat headaches or is a pain killer, aka pain reliever. These substances also have antitussive and anesthetic or numbing properties during surgical operations. Can also be useful as a stimulant.
Even so, Thamrin does not deny that kratom also has harmful substances. The compound 7-Hydroxymitragynine, for example, can be misused as a narcotic. However, with certain treatments, these compounds can be removed from Mitragynin. “God is merciful and merciful, it turns out that the compound that we think is detrimental (7-Hydroxymitragynin) can be easily separated from the Mitragynin compound. "Only with simple technology can it be transmitted to the public," he said to the Pontianak Post, yesterday (10/11).
From this separation, several medical products of high economic value will be obtained. Two of them are the Mitragynin compound and its group for use as an analgesic, anesthetic, stimulant and pain killer. Meanwhile, the compound 7-Hydroxymitragynine can be sold specifically because its function is different. Because it can be misused, its sale needs to be strictly regulated.
Seeing these benefits, it would be a shame if the kratom plant was suppressed and its use prohibited. The former Chancellor of Untan offered a solution to the West Kalimantan Provincial Government and the Kapuas Hulu Regency Government so that the kratom trade should be regulated. No need to be banned. We can still do this by bringing in MSMEs who play a role in increasing the added value of kratom leaves into crystals of the compounds that make up kratom leaves minus the compound 7-Hydroxymitragynin.
"Starting from the compound 7-Hydroxymitragynin which is 7 times more patent than Mitragynin which has narcotic properties, we can actually chemically modify or functionalize the Hydroxy functional group (IH) at position 7 in the compound 7-Hydroxymitragynin. Namely, it is converted into an ester functional group so that it is believed to be easier to excrete and will be less or no longer potent. "Thus, chemically and legally it can no longer be accused of being the compound 7-Hydoxi Mitraginine and the danger no longer appears," he explained.
Meanwhile, a researcher from the Untan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr Ari Widiyantoro added, based on the results of phytochemical tests on kratom plants, it shows that they contain secondary metabolites in the Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Terpenoid, Saponin and Polyphenol groups. The content of secondary metabolite compounds found in the kratom plant is largely dominated by the alkaloid compound group. "To date, more than 25 alkaloids have been isolated from kratom leaves and more than 40 structures (all secondary metabolites) have been determined from the Kratom plant," he said.
He continued, Mitragynin is the type of alkaloid most commonly found in the kratom plant. Based on research results, it shows that the mitragynin levels of Kratom plants grown in Indonesia are around 54 percent, Thailand 72 percent, and Malaysia around 12 percent. This compound has strong analgesic properties. This compound is used in the treatment of opium addiction. This compound is also reported to have antitussive, anesthetic and stimulant properties.
Kratom is a plant that grows widely in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The distribution of this plant in Indonesia includes Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara. This plant is found in two variations in Thailand, namely kratom with red leaves and kratom with green leaves.
"Similarly, in Indonesia, the Kratom plant that grows widely in West Kalimantan, especially Kapuas Hulu Regency, has 2 variations, namely red and green. "Based on the literature, the kratom plant is widely used as an analgesic and sedative," he explained.
The compound 7-hydroxymitragynine is a compound with the strongest activity like opium. This compound is a derivative of the mitragynin compound. The use of kratom will be more useful if it is used properly for medical purposes. Therefore, the best solution is needed for its use while still empowering farmers who have been cultivating it for a long time.
According to him, there needs to be good cooperation between academics, pharmaceutical factories, government and farmers so that Kratom can be used better for the welfare of society. So far, people only sell it in powder form with packaging that sometimes contains bacterial and fungal contaminants.
"Therefore, it is necessary to increase sales value through sales of standardized extracts with a high level of hygiene carried out by MSMEs with the supervision of pharmaceutical factory partners. "The sale of standardized extracts is specifically for supply to pharmaceutical factories so that misuse is minimized," he concluded. (ars)
Adapted from the Pontianak Post in an article entitled "Kratom Doesn't Need to Be Banned, Regulate Trade, Don't Become a Wasted Treasure"