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Fmipa Untan Chemistry Laboratory Holds Iht Safety & Biosafety For Laboratories

On Wednesday 9 August 2017 the Chemistry Laboratory, FMIPA UNTAN held a workshop with the theme Safety & Biosafety for Laboratory and Product Presentation. The workshop activities were completed smoothly. This is due to good cooperation from various parties as well as instructors who are experts in their fields so that the material presented is easier for the participants to understand. The workshop activities involved three instructors from PT. Merck Chemicals and Life Sciences with safety and biosafety materials in laboratories as well as the introduction of water purification products. The participants who took part in this activity were lecturers and laboratory staff at Tanjungpura University.

The first material about safety in the laboratory was delivered by Mr. Indra Aryawirawan. Mr. Indra Aryawirawan explained that several important points must be completed to improve laboratory security. Some of these important points include a clean laboratory environment, adequate lighting, and adequate work safety equipment in the laboratory. A safe laboratory must also be equipped with equipment that can deal with accidents such as emergency showers, first aid kits, as well as emergency doors and emergency telephones which must be available in the event of a fire. Chemical storage must also be grouped based on the type of danger, this is done to avoid reactions that cause explosions.

The second material about biosafety was delivered by Mrs. Devi Rameiyanti. Biosafety is an effort made to ensure that people who work with dangerous biological materials are protected from the dangers of the biological materials they handle. The biosafety applied is adjusted to the level of danger of the biological materials used. For laboratories that use a lot of less dangerous biological materials such as lactobacillus and E.coli, several biosafety measures must be taken, such as decontaminating work desks every day, using watertight tables, floors that are designed to be watertight, using plastic or shatterproof equipment and always provide an autoclave and disinfectant. This is done to minimize the occurrence of contamination which could be dangerous for workers in the laboratory. The third material was about the introduction of water purification products delivered by Mr. Sony Nugroho. PT. The Chemicals and Life Sciences brand has released a new product, namely the Nillipore water purification process, which functions to purify water that can be used for laboratory purposes. The product is. This product uses several water purification techniques, one of which is reverse osmosis, resulting in ultrapure quality water.

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