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16th Chemistry Study Competition 2020

The Tanjungpura University FMIPA Chemistry Student Association (Himki) again held the 16th Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) on March 15 2020 with the theme "The Rise of Creative Generation To Lead The World". This competition began with regional selection throughout West Kalimantan which was participated by 11 districts and 2 cities on November 16 2019 in their respective regions. After selection, it continued with the peak event which was attended by 44 participants from 13 districts/cities in West Kalimantan.


The Tanjungpura University FMIPA Chemistry Student Association (Himki) again held the 16th Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) on March 15 2020 with the theme "The Rise of Creative Generation To Lead The World". This competition began with regional selection throughout West Kalimantan which was participated by 11 districts and 2 cities on November 16 2019 in their respective regions. After selection, it continued with the peak event which was attended by 44 participants from 13 districts/cities in West Kalimantan.


Apart from LBSK which is intended for students, at the same time, Himki FMIPA also held a Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI). The LKTI is divided into 2 categories, namely:

  • National LKTI for students throughout Indonesia
  • LKTI Student which is intended for students throughout West Kalimantan.


From LKTIN, 1st place winner was Ahmad Fariq Nurrohman from Brawijaya University, 2nd place winner Junaidi from Semarang State University, 3rd place winner Alfia Husna from Ahmad Dahlan University, 1st place winner Ahmad Khoirur Roziq from Sebelas Maret University and 2nd place winner Yaasinta L. N from Tanjungpura University.
Meanwhile, the Student LKTI won 1st place, Aulia Anisa from SMAN 9 Pontianak, 2nd place winner Nursyifa Awaliyah from MAN Insan Cendikiawan Sambas, 3rd place winner Awang Praja A from SMK SMTI Pontianak, Best Paper M. Albian Haviza from SMAIT Al-Fityan, Best Presentation Monica Angelita from SMAN 9 Pontianak and Best Power Point Ningrum Caesarena A.S from SMAN 9 Pontianak.