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Lomba Bidang Studi Kimia Ke-xix "the Role Od Generation Z To Overcome The Environmental Problems And Achive Sustainable Development By Apply Chemical-based Science And Technology"

The Chemistry Student Association (HIMKI), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University Pontianak held the peak agenda for the 19th Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) offline and online. This competition, which is regularly held every year, is a forum for pupils and students to gain experience and achieve future achievements.

LBSK is a routine agenda that is carried out every year with the aim of introducing the Chemistry Department to pupils and students, where this year LBSK has been held 19 times with the theme "The Role of Generation Z to Overcome the Environmental Problems and Achieve Sustainable Development by Applying Chemical- Based on Science and Technology". The culmination of the 19th LBSK this year will be held on 13-14 May 2023, consisting of the West Kalimantan Chemistry Competition, the West Kalimantan Student Essay, and the National Student Scientific Writing Competition.


The chemistry competition begins with regional selection in 12 districts and 2 cities in each region and then the top 10 from each region are selected which will be brought to the peak day of the 19th LBSK offline in Pontianak. The peak activity of the chemistry competition consists of a written exam, mini laboratory chemistry (MLC). and fast and precise competition. The winners of the chemistry competition include:

First Place Laura Agnes Br. Panjaitan (Immanuel Christian High School Pontianak)

Second Place Winner Joleen Aurora Koesnady (SMAK Immanuel Pontianak)

Third Place M Ariq Nizar Daffa Kusmana (SMAN 1 Sukadana)

Harapan I Aldo Hartanto (SMAN 1 Sungai Pinyuh)

Harapan II Siamsuri Wahid (SMAN 1 Tayan Hilir)


Student essays are where participants send their written work via email in accordance with applicable regulations, then a judging session is held from 3 Lecturers at the Chemistry Department, FMIPA Untan, after which the top 10 finalists will be announced who will make presentations on the peak day offline in Pontianak. student essay winner:

First place Annisa Noviandari Liezfabril and Husnul Khotimah (SMA N 3 Pontianak)

Second Place Naifa Rania Hafiza (MAN IC SAMBAS)

Third Place Adiet Tri Wardana (SMAN 3 Pontianak)

Best Presentation Annisa Noviandari Liezfabril and Husnul Khotimah (SMA N 3 Pontianak)


The National Student LKTI was conducted online via a zoom meeting in which 10 finalists were selected by a jury of Chemistry Department Lecturers, FMIPA Untan, National LKTIM Winners:

First place winner is Ni Made Astri Purni Nariswari team (Udayana University)

Second place Bagus Prayoga team (Sebelas Maret University)

3rd place Kamalia team (STIKES ISFI Banjarmasin)

Best Presentation Bagus Prayoga team (Sebelas Maret University)


The 19th LBSK activities were accompanied by entertainment and announcements which were then continued with chemical attractions as thanks and see you at the 20th LBSK✨