The Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) is one of the work programs in the PI (Reasoning and Scientific) field. LBSK is a West Kalimantan Regional scale competition held by the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Student Association which is approved by the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Department and the UNTAN FMIPA Dean. LBSK has been implemented 17 times, and in 2022 it will be the 18th LBSK. LBSK XVIII was held with the theme "The Active Roles of Young Generations for Developing Renewable Energy to Create Golden Indonesian in Society Era 5.0". The XVIIIth LBSKp in 2022 consists of 3 series of events, namely the Chemistry Competition, National Student LKTI, and Student Essays.
The objectives of LBSK are:
1. To introduce the Chemistry Department of FMIPA Untan and Himki, and foster a love for chemistry.
2. To foster a competitive spirit, provide a platform for channeling creative and innovative ideas from students throughout West Kalimantan and students throughout Indonesia in LKTI and Essays
After regional selection was carried out with the top 7 winners from each region. Then the LBSK XVIII final selection was held on May 21 online via Zoom Meeting. The final selection selected winners from 86 participants from 14 schools present.
The winners of LBSK VIII with the theme "The Active Roles of Young Generations for Developing Renewable Energy to Create Golden Indonesian in Society Era 5.0" are:
First Place: Novenda Ermina Fatra (Tunas Bangsa High School)
Second place: Jason Alexander Sutiono (Immanuel Christian High School Pontianak)
3rd Place: Alvin Gunawan (SMAN 1 Pontianak)
Harapan I: Valentcia Angelica (St. Ignasius Singkawang High School)
Harapan II: Benny Kurniawan (SMAS Panca Setya Sintang)
The VIIIth National Student LKTI carries the theme Student Creativity and Innovation in Developing Natural Resources to Realize SDGs in the Era of Society 5.0". There were 24 teams who participated in this activity. The winners of the VIIIth National Student LKTI were:
First Place: Lutfi'ah Sungkar and Khakam Ma'ruf (Yogyakarta State University)
Second Place: I Made Vibra Dananjaya, Nur Aufaq Rizky Irfan Ar Rochim, and Ari Nur Setyanto (Institut
Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya) 3rd Place: Tiara Bintang Andini, Nurfadillah and Sari LY (Mulawarman University).
Harapan I: Khintan Maulin Paquita, Ulin Ni'mah and Muhammad Berliando Gavintri (Gadjah Mada University)
Harapan II: Sari Damayanti and Apri Wahyudi (Tanjungpura University)
The student's essay carries the theme "Optimizing Local Potential in Realizing SDGs 2045 in the Era of Society 5.0". There were 23 teams participating in this activity. The winners of the VIIIth National Student LKTI are:
First Place Olivia Angelie (Bina Mulia High School)
Second Place: Kaloka Pambayun Fadhlurrohman and Nawang Syfa Anggraeni (MAN Insan Scholar Sambas)
3rd Place: Ayu Chantika (SMA Harapan Bangsa Samalantan)
Hope I: Habib and Nira Ananta (MAN Insan Scholar Sambas)
Harapan II: Lulu Ainur Rohimah and Sutimah (MA Al-Qomar Kuala Secapah)