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Chemistry Study Competition (lbsk) Xvii "developing The Millennials As An Agent Of Change In Covid-19 Pandemic"

The Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) is a West Kalimantan Regional scale competition held by the Chemistry Student Association of FMIPA Untan which is approved by the Chemistry Department of FMIPA Untan and the Dean of FMIPA Untan. LBSK has been held 16 times, and 2021 will be the 17th LBSK. LBSK XVII was held with the theme "Developing the Millennials as an Agent of Change in Covid-19 Pandemic".

This competition focuses on developing the academic abilities of SMA/MA students in the field or subject of Chemistry. This competition was attended by 116 students from 29 SMA/MA in West Kalimantan Province.

This year, LBSK did not hold regional selections like the previous year due to the Covid-19 pandemic which is still not over. So the LBSK XVII peak event was held online from March 19 to March 21 2021 via Zoom Meeting.

The XVII Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) selected winners from 116 participants from 29 schools who attended. The following are the winners of LBSK XVII with the theme "Developing the Millennials as an Agent of Change in Covid-19 Pandemic":

1st Place: Trinity Loren (Saint Ignasius Singkawang High School)

Second Place: Gyan Edbert Zesiro (SMAK Immanuel)

3rd Place: David Dwi Sanjaya (SMAK Immanuel)

Hope I: Audrey Xing (Santu Petrus High School)

Harapan II: Rachel Tiono (Bina Mulia High School)

This year's XVII LBSK consists of three series of events, namely the XVII LBSK (Chemistry Study Competition), the VII National Student LKTI, and Student Essays

LKTI National Students to VII

The VII National Student LKTI carries the theme "Optimizing the Role of Students in Technology Development to Meet the 2030 SDGs during the COVID-19 Pandemic". There were 72 teams participating in this competition. The winners of the VII National Student LKTI are as follows:

1st Place: Ismu Rijal Fahmi (Gajah Mada University)

2nd Place: Abdianto (Tanjungpura University)

3rd Place: Arif Rahmadian A (Bandung Institute of Technology)

Hope 1: Rafi Al Badri (Jakarta State University)

Hope 2: Syahidah Asma A (Diponegoro University)

Student Essay

The Student Essay carries the theme "Student Contribution in Optimizing Local Potential to Realize a Golden Indonesia 2045 Through Revitalizing Local Potential in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic". There were 23 teams participating in the Student Essay. The winners of this Student Essay are as follows:

1st Place: Shania Deu (SMA 5 Pontianak)

2nd Place: Julianus Egi (SMAN 1 Sepauk)

3rd place: Auliadini F (SMAN 09 Pontianak)

Hope 1: Syifa F (SMAN 09 Pontianak)

Hope 2: Tahman Insani (MAN IC Sambas)