Every student is given the same opportunity to develop their interests and talents in various fields, including students who are involved in science lessons and laboratory practicums every day. Muhammad Arief Novrianto proved this. Arief, who is listed as a 2011 student at the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University (UNTAN), won a silver medal in the judo branch at the 2014 West Kalimantan Provincial Sports Week (PORPROV KALBAR) grand event. Arief was also the Best Speaker in the English language debate at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty level. He has been practicing judo since he was in high school. "When I first started taking up judo, it came from a friend's invitation, over time it became a fun hobby," said Airef. Every week Arief practices judo regularly. Of course, with the blessing of his parents, Arief had the courage to take part in PORPROV 2010. In that year, Arief was not able to get a medal. However, Arief gained experience which allowed him to prepare for 3 years.
At PORPROV 2014, the men's judo classes consist of: 0-55 kg, 55-60 kg, 60-66 kg, 66-73 kg, 73-80 kg, 80-90kg and over 90 kg. Arief takes part in the 90 kg weight class and above and the system is half competition. The participants were Bima (Municipality), Nicco (Sanggau Regency), Topan (Landak), Sartaya (Kapuas Hulu), Astoto (Kubu Raya) and Arief who represented Pontianak Regency (Mempawah). Each judo athlete plays five matches and the winner is determined using a points system. Arief only lost to Bima who had the biggest and heaviest body among the others. It turned out that the first defeat was one of Arief's strategies to save energy so he could beat the next 4 participants and get a silver medal. Bima, who managed to beat all the participants, won a gold medal, while Nicco and Topan won the bronze medal. The medal was presented by Pak Agung from the Indonesian Judo Association (PJSI).
Apart from pursuing judo, Arief is also active in organizations. Currently, he also serves as Head of the Environmental Chemistry Department of the Indonesian Chemistry Student Association (IKAHIMKI), which is a national level organization. Arief advised all his colleagues that achievement does not only mean in the academic field, but achievement can be carved out of the interests and talents that one has. Arief's achievement is a source of pride for the academic community of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNTAN. Keep up the spirit of achievement!