On 09-23 August 2017, Tanjungpura University (Untan) held the 2017 Summer School and Student Engagement program which was attended by 40 students who are members of the Kalimantan Universities Consortium (KUC) as well as students from across countries such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, China, Japan and Egypt. This program takes the theme "Young economist for a green economy". In the event which was officially opened by the Chancellor of Untan, Prof. Dr.H.Thamrin Usman, DEA was also attended by representatives from the organizers, those involved such as the International Affairs Office, Kemenristekdikti, Pontianak City Government, Untan Language UPT, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, as well as the management of Untan and collaborating UKMs.
Photo with Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, Ph.D, Professor at the University of Indonesia
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University sent two representatives to take part in the Summer School and Student Engagement program, one of whom was Reni Alpionita, a student from the Chemistry Department. He said that by participating in this program, he initially had no basic knowledge of economics, but now he knows how the economy and nature can collaborate to achieve economic growth, especially in achieving sustainable development goals (SDG).
Mangrove Planting in Mempawah Mangrove Park
The program, which lasted for two weeks, was filled with material delivered by experts in their fields, including the Head of Borneo Studies Network Secretary: Dk Dr. Noor Hasharina binti Pg Hj Hassan, Universiti Brunei Darussalam with the theme "Young Economist for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)", Green Economy by Dr. Fariastuti, Corporate Sustainable Management by Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, Ph.D. Apart from that, there are also company visits, school visits, the commemoration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day, mangrove planting, social projects, summer camps, cultural exchange nights, and many other interesting activities.
Global Village Activity: Culture Blast at the Untan Auditorium
The 2017 Summer School and Student Engagement program closed with the Global Village: Culture Blast activity at the Untan Auditorium. In the afternoon, the participants took part in a cooking competition for typical food from their country, and in the evening continued with performances from each country. "In my opinion, this program is very good, because apart from being able to expand connections, improve English language skills, get to know the culture and customs of the participating countries, and most importantly, gain new knowledge that I didn't get in college which I hope can later be applied in social life. "I also hope that this program will be held again next year," said Reni.