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Untan Chemistry Student Achieves Achievement In World Sustainable Chemistry Challenge

Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Tanjungpura University (Fmipa Untan) made another achievement. It should be appreciated, the achievement obtained some time ago was an international level achievement, in the 2019 World Sustainable Chemistry Challenge (WSCC) agenda at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII).

WSCC is an annual routine agenda of the Chemistry Study Program (Prodi), Department of Chemistry Fmipa UII. This international agenda invites undergraduate and diploma students, as well as all Diploma students (Chemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, related to chemistry) around the world to submit their best ideas on Sustainable Chemistry Innovation.

One team from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Untan made it to the final stage, they are M. Ilham Ramadani, Noverando Rafiel Angela, and Yaasinta Lafasha Nabila, 2017 students of Chemistry Study Program. Their research work and struggle in this WSCC also made the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Untan and Chemistry Study Program proud, they managed to finish in third place. This achievement is certainly a proud achievement, because the level of the competition is national scale.

According to Noverando, WSCC is divided into two stages, first the presentation of research posters for 30 finalists, and then the top 10 are taken to present directly to the jury. At first, he and his team were pessimistic because the other team's research had already been completed at the trial stage, and the tools and products were already finished. But they were still eager to show their best, their ability to present their research managed to captivate the judges.

Noverando and his team raised the sub-theme of renewable energy research, making bifunctional catalysts from palm oil processing waste, Biodiesel Energy. The title of their research was "Synthesis Ceramic Sn/Kaolin as a Bifunctional Heteregenous Catalsyt for Simultaneous Biodiesel Production from Palm Sludge Oil".

He hopes that the university will also take part and be active in disseminating information on the international competition agenda.

"For Untan itself, the dissemination of information on international competitions is still lacking, still minimal. It's useless for us students, good resources, but if we don't get information, it's useless too. Hopefully the university or faculty will also take part and be active in disseminating the information, so that the existing student resources can be maximized to produce international achievements for Untan," he said.

"Hopefully, in the future it will not only be us, the students of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, who will participate in international agendas like this" he added.

He also advised his fellow Fmipa Untan students, especially for the new batch to be able to start making achievements since the beginning of the semester, continue to try and try to make achievements to make the university, faculty and specifically for their respective study programs proud.