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Birthday Of The Prophet Muhammad Saw 1436 H

The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is sometimes the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, whose celebration in Indonesia falls on the 12th of Rabiul Awal in the Hijri calendar. The word mawlid or milad in Arabic means birthday. Celebrating the Prophet's birthday is a tradition that developed in Islamic society long after the Prophet Muhammad SAW died. In substance, this commemoration is an expression of joy and respect for the Prophet Muhammad.

It was explained by Sibth (grandson) Ibnu Al-Jauzi that in this commemoration, Sultan Al-Muzhaffar invited all his people and all scholars from various scientific disciplines, both scholars in the field of Fiqh, Hadith scholars, scholars in the field of kalam science, ulus scholars, para Sufism experts, and others. Since three days, before the day of the Prophet's birthday, he has made various preparations. Thousands of goats and camels were slaughtered for food for those attending the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. All the ulama at that time confirmed and approved what Sultan Al-Muzhaffar did. They all shared their views and thought it was good to celebrate the Prophet's birthday which was held for the first time.

Ibn Khallikan in the book Wafayat Al-A`yan tells that Al-Imam Al-Hafizh Ibnu Dihyah came from Morocco to Syria and then to Iraq. When he passed through the Irbil area in 604 Hijriah, he met Sultan Al-Muzhaffar, the king of Irbil who paid great attention to the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. Therefore, Al-Hafzih Ibnu Dihyah then wrote a book about the Prophet's birthday which was entitled "Al-Tanwir Fi Maulid Al-Basyir An-Nadzir". He then presented this work to Sultan Al-Muzhaffar.