In the era of globalization, the role of product quality is very important to win the market. Proving the quality of a product requires various certificates, including certificates of laboratory test results. Laboratory test results certificates serve as proof of the quality of a product and its composition, which is generally presented in the product packaging.
Laboratory test results are an important document, therefore they should be issued by laboratories that have been accredited by international institutions such as the International Standards Organization (ISO), or institutions that have obtained international authority to accredit laboratories in Indonesia, namely the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). .
An accredited laboratory is a laboratory that has received formal recognition that the laboratory is capable of carrying out testing of certain compounds. To obtain accreditation, laboratories must be managed or operated in accordance with the international quality system, namely ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Therefore, for laboratories whose final product is test data that must be accountable to the public, the existence of an accredited laboratory is very important.
Towards the procurement of an accredited laboratory, it is necessary to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR). This is the basis for carrying out the activity entitled "Increasing HR Capacity in the Framework of Towards an Accredited Laboratory). The activity, which was carried out on 16-21 December 2019, was attended by 30 participants from lecturers (laboratory managers) and educational/laboratory laboratory staff. Participants came from FMIPA (Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Marine Science Study Program), Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Medicine (Pharmacy Study Program).
This activity was carried out in collaboration with CV Rumah Mutu Indonesia, which is located in Bogor and operates in training services. Apart from the Indonesian quality house, the resource persons also came from the Pontianak Research and Standardization Center, a government agency that has been accredited as a testing and calibration laboratory. The resource persons involved in this 6 day activity were Mr. Dwi R. Kurniawan, Mr. Remi Ramdani, and Mr. Yusprianto.
All participants actively participated in the 4-day in-house training activity. A pleasant atmosphere was also created during the activity. Ensuring the quality of activities is carried out by carrying out pre and post tests. The criteria for passing understanding is a minimum post-test score, namely 70/100. The results of the Focus Group Discussion in the last 2 days also provided a draft document that was ready to be followed up in each laboratory.