Training is a moment to prepare oneself for the 2013 Pertamina National Science Olympiad. Many chemistry students are competing to learn from the previous year's questions. The chemistry association also provides training in working on these questions which is supervised directly by Mrs. Nurlina, M.Sc. Apart from that, new students also have mentors from seniors who have previously participated in OSN Pertamina such as Robi Maulana Saputra DS.
Motivation is also the most important part of raising enthusiasm for chemistry students. This is what the Chemical Association did by motivating the 2013 OSN Pertamina participants on Saturday (28/9). The event was opened by Yudi Yustira as Chair of HIMKI 2013/2014 by giving a welcoming speech in front of 70 participants who were present in the D1 F-MIPA UNTAN room. Then, it continued with motivation from Robi Maulana Saputra DS and Ricco Andrean William regarding the achievements they had obtained. In providing this motivation, Robi said that one of his inspirations was Risya Sasri, S.Si. He is a Chemistry student class of 2007 who is currently pursuing a master's program and has many achievements that make UNTAN proud.
This agenda was continued motivating by Mr. Syahrul Khairi, M. Eng by showing videos that inspired the participants. Of course, this raised the enthusiasm of the participants who attended to work at F-MIPA UNTAN. Training and providing motivation need to be carried out continuously so that chemistry students are motivated to excel both in academics and other fields. Winda Rahmalia, M.Si, Adhitiyawarman, M,Si, Lia Destiarti, M.Si, Agus Kurniawan, S.Si, Ridho Brilliantoro, S.Si, Risya Sasri, S.Si, Robi Maulana Saputra, Ricco Andrean William are a series the names of the many chemistry students who have made UNTAN proud both at local and national events. There are great hopes for Chemistry students to become winners of the 2013 Pertamina National Science Olympiad and represent KALBAR at the national level.
Written by: Sony Fajar Jayadi