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2013 National Olympiad Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences

2013 National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad (ON-MIPA) in the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Registration: 21 October - 8 November 2013

Registration via SMS with the format: ONMIPA/Field/Full_Name/Department/Faculty/Class

sent to each Contact Person:

- Mathematics: Dwi Haryanto (089685651634)

- Physics: Faurizal (089693440043)

- Chemistry: Sony Fajar (085654430682)

- Biology: Rino Pratama (085252009003) 

Requirements: Active student at Tanjungpura University, minimum 3rd semester and maximum 9th semester.

Implementation of ON-MIPA: Test questions in the form of multiple choice & essays / Place: UNTAN Auditorium Building / Date: 14 November 2013 / Time: 08.00 - 12.00 WIB.


The Chemistry Olympiad material covers the fields of Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry with a description of each material as follows:

1) Inorganic Chemistry
Atomic structure and the Periodic Table; ionic models, main group metal chemistry, and solid-state chemistry; molecular shape, symmetry, and molecular orbital theory; acid-base and acid-base equilibrium; chemistry of non-metal elements (groups 13 -17); transition metal chemistry.

2) Physical Chemistry
Chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium; electrode balance; homogeneous reaction kinetics; thermodynamics (first law); thermodynamics (law II); phase system; energy levels of hydrogen atoms; quadratic wave function and probability; understanding the simple Schrodinger equation; quantum numbers n, l, m; shape and space configuration of p, d orbitals; H2 N2 and O2 molecular orbital diagrams; diatomic molecular bond order; unpaired electrons and paramagnetic properties; Huckel's theory for aromatic compounds; Lewis acids and bases; soft hard acid base.

3) Organic Chemistry
Alkane; cycloalkanes; alkene; alkyne; arenes, polycyclic and heterocyclic; stereochemistry; halogen compounds; alcohols, phenols, and ethers; carbonyl compounds; carboxylic acids and their derivatives; nitrogen compounds; macromolecules and polymers; amino acids and proteins; fatty acids and fats; carbohydrates (polysaccharides); nucleic acids; pericyclic reactions; structure elucidation; organic synthesis.

4) Analytical Chemistry
Qualitative analysis of cations, gravimetry, volumetry, potentiometry, voltammetry, amperometry, spectrometry, UV/Vis & IR, AAS, NMR, mass spectrometry, and modern chromatography.
