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Inauguration Of The Chemistry Student Association Management For The 2021/2022 Period

The Inauguration of the Management of the FMIPA Untan Chemistry Student Association (Himki) together with other FMIPA Untan Student Affairs institutions (KM) has been carried out. This inauguration was held on November 30 2021 at the Aston Pontianak Hotel & Convention Center. The inauguration was attended by 3 representatives from each institution, while other administrators attended the inauguration online via Zoom Meeting. The event was opened by the Deputy Dean 3 FMIPA Untan, Mr Drs. Suhery's grandson, M.A. and continued with the granting of a Decree (SK) by Mr. Drs. Suhery's grandson, M.A. and Mr. Bambang Sugeng, S.Sos.

There were 37 members of Himki FMIPA Untan who were inaugurated, namely the General Chair, General Secretary, General Treasurer, and 6 Heads of Divisions and their colleagues including the Fields of Student Resource Development (PSDM), Information and Communication (Infokom), Student Welfare (Kesma), Secretariat. (KSK), Reasoning and Knowledge (PI), and Interests and Talents (Mikat).

Through this inauguration, we hope that every administrator of an institution who has been trusted and given a mandate can carry out their duties as best as possible and it is also hoped that each institution can establish, maintain and form good friendly relations, both with all FMIPA Untan lecturers and the Academic Community, fellow students. FMIPA Untan Student Affairs institutions, as well as with institutions outside FMIPA Untan.