The Community Service Team (PKM) Lecturers at the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) held a training activity on the Application of Simple Practicum Modules for students at SMAN 1 Anjongan, Anjongan District, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan Province. In this activity, the PKM team also involved students to be actively involved in carrying out practical demonstrations.
The activities carried out for 1 day at SMAN 1 Anjongan contained several series of agendas, including Socialization about the Chemistry Department, FMIPA Untan to students of SMAN 1 Anjongan as well as demonstration of practicum modules and discussions regarding the results and discussion of practicum modules that had been demonstrated. Practical modules that will be delivered include: Determining the acidity of solutions using Natural Indicators, Saponification Reaction and Soap Making Process, and Hydrogen Gas Production from Aluminum Waste.
The students of SMAN1 Anjongan looked enthusiastic in following agenda after agenda of PKM activities. They were also actively involved in demonstrations and questions and answers/discussions related to simple chemistry material. Apart from being a form of Community Service and implementing the knowledge of the Chemistry Department academic community, it is further hoped that this activity will be useful in increasing the number of prospective students interested in the Chemistry Department/Study Program so that it will have a better impact on the quality of prospective students who are accepted.