CHEMPRENEUR, which was initiated from the Entrepreneurship Course in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University, is here as a business learning forum for chemistry students. This activity takes the form of an entrepreneurial talk series that presents speakers from entrepreneurs and startup founders in Pontianak City. CHEMPRENEUR Volume 02 this time presents Nopianti, S.Si, an Alumni of the Chemistry Department and also the Owner of Vie Cakes Pontianak, a business unit that develops distinctive culinary products, the flagship product of which is Lapis Legit Pontianak.
In her presentation, Kak Nopi told how she started building a business based on opportunities that she analyzed herself. Then, from this culinary business opportunity, he began to validate needs, especially regarding the tastes and behavior of potential consumers. This is done so that the market segmentation and products he offers can be well validated. During this meeting, he also revealed various marketing strategies in marketing culinary products.
He admitted that the knowledge about chemistry obtained during college was good capital in building a culinary business, especially knowledge about nutritional value and contamination related to the hygiene of culinary products sold. Participants looked enthusiastic in the ongoing discussion. At the end of the event, Kak Nopi also distributed door prizes in the form of Vie Cakes Pontianak products.