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Pkm Chemistry Study Program: Kti Practicum And Coaching Clinic At Man Ic Sambas

The Chemistry Study Program (Prodi) FMIPA UNTAN began implementing its learning based on the permission letter of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education number 3494/D/T/2001 dated 9 November 2001 concerning the Implementation of Undergraduate Programs in Untan and the Decree of the Chancellor of Tanjungpura University. The Untan FMIPA Chemistry Study Program accepted students for the first time in the 2002–2003 academic year with a total of 32 students. From 2002 to 2017, the number of Chemistry Department students from FMIPA Untan who took part in the selection and were accepted fluctuated, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing. One of the factors that has an impact on increasing or decreasing the number of students entering the Chemistry Department is outreach activities to promote the FMIPA Chemistry Department to teachers and high school students in the West Kalimantan Region.

Based on the analysis carried out by the PkM Team of the Chemistry Study Program of FMIPA UNTAN for 3 years, namely from 2014 to 2016, students from Sambas Regency on average account for 8% of the total number of 1124 students. Considering that the distance between Sambas and Pontianak is not too far, it is hoped that this number can still increase along with the improvement in the quality of the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Study Program which has been accredited A based on the results of the accreditation visitation in March 2018. That is why the 2018 Higher Education Tridharma is implemented. , UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Study Program carries out Community Service activities in Sambas Regency. The target school is Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Scholar (MAN IC).

The PkM activity carried out was entitled "Socialization of the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Study Program through Demonstration of Chemistry Practicum and Training in Writing Scientific Papers for MAN Scholar Students of Sambas Regency". This activity was chaired by Nurlina, M.Sc. with 9 team members, namely Lia Destiarti, M.Sc., Intan Syahbanu, M.Si., Imelda H.Silalahi, Ph.D., Afghani Jayuska, M.Si., Puji Ardiningsih, M.Si., Dra. Harlia, M.Si., Dr. Anthoni B. Aritonang, M.Si., Risya Sasri, M.Sc. and Ridho Brilliantoro, M.Si. The implementation of PkM was also carried out involving UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Study Program students, namely Syahwandi (Chemistry 2014), Hairunisa (Chemistry 2014), Septiani (Chemistry 2016), Annisa Furqonita (Chemistry 2016) and Muhammad Ilham (Chemistry 2017).

The implementation of PkM was carried out on Saturday, 11 August 2018. The activity began with a friendly atmosphere between the Chemistry Study Program FMIPA UNTAN and the Principal and MAN IC teachers. The activity continued with greetings, introductions and exchange of souvenirs from both parties. The core activities are chemistry practical demonstrations as well as scientific writing training and coaching clinics.

The chemistry practical demonstration activity was attended by 79 class XI students. Practical demonstration activities are carried out by Chemistry Study Program students who are accompanied by Chemistry Study Program lecturers. Practicums carried out include: Determining the acidity of solutions using natural indicators, saponification reactions and soap making processes, qualitative testing of secondary metabolite compounds from plant extracts and determining free fatty acid levels. This activity is filled with practicum demonstrations and the provision of material by Chemistry Study Program lecturers related to the practicum being carried out. The PkM Chemistry Study Program team also distributed "Simple Chemistry Practicum Worksheets for High School Students" as an output product which is expected to become a practicum implementation module that can be applied at MAN IC Sambas, because the module has been prepared taking into account the use of tools and chemical materials used. simple.

Other activities which were also carried out at the same time were training and coaching clinics on scientific writing attended by 91 class Oral Presentation Techniques (Oral Presentation) and Sharing sessions, students of the Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNTAN who have had many scientific writing achievements since they were in high school.

Activity evaluation is carried out by distributing questionnaires to students to estimate the success of implementing the activity. Questionnaires were distributed before and after the activity. The results of the questionnaire showed an increase in students' knowledge and understanding regarding chemistry practicum and chemistry as well as knowledge and understanding in exploring ideas, creating scientific papers and presentation techniques.

Overall, this PkM activity was successfully implemented and received a very enthusiastic response from both the school and the students who took part in this activity. This activity also opens up opportunities for collaboration between the Chemistry Study Program of the UNTAN MIPA Faculty (in particular) and the UNTAN MIPA Faculty (in general) with MAN IC Sambas regarding education and the development of extracurricular activities (subject Olympiads, writing competitions, robot competitions, and various competitions related to the field of science).