Starting in the middle of last year, Chemistry students again achieved various kinds of achievements. This proves that chemistry students are able to compete both at regional and national levels. Some of them are the achievements obtained by Erlindawati. This 2009 Chemistry student was able to prove that Untan FMIPA Chemistry students can also compete in the National event. Receiving an award as The Best Poster Presenter in 2013 in the event "The 3rd ITB Catalysis Symphosium" made the Untan FMIPA Chemistry department known not only within the region, but also outside the region. Likewise the achievements achieved by Ricco Andrean William. This Class of 2009 student also gained achievements that not only made his own name proud, but also made his alma mater and department proud. This final year Chemistry student succeeded in becoming the 2013 West Kalimantan Regional OSN Pertamina Champion.
Furthermore, achievements were achieved by Nurma Fitriana and Robbi Ridwansyah, these two Chemistry students from the Class of 2009 succeeded in obtaining PKM Research Funds from DIKTI in 2013, Hillaria Defena and Siti Fatimah, Students from the Class of 2009 also succeeded in becoming First Place in the BEM FMIPA Untan Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) along with Riska Oktaviana, Class of 2011 student who won third place in the BEM FMIPA Untan Essay Competition. The scientific writing and olympiad competition event was closed by Robi Maulana Saputra D.S. and Kartika Aprianti who succeeded in becoming Second Place in the Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) held by LITBANG West Kalimantan Province and Iman Saputra Pertama who also succeeded in winning First Place in the event. the same one.
The achievements of Chemistry Students do not only lie in one field of Scientific Writing Competitions (LKTI) or Olympiads, as are several achievements made by Chemistry Students outside of academics, namely those achieved by Eka Oktaviana as Hope I in the 2013 Lanceng Praben Election of Kubu Raya Regency, Clarissa Alrizkia Yachmans, a Chemistry Student Class of 2011, was the 1st Runner Up in the 2014 Kubu Raya Regency Tourism Boys and Girls Election, as well as First Place in the BEM FMIPA Untan Acoustic Competition in 2013 which was won by Robbi Ridwansyah and Iman Saputra, First Class Chemistry Student, Class of 2009 and Muhammad Irvan Maulana, Chemistry Student, Class of 2009. 2012.
At the beginning of 2014, another achievement was made by Iman Nur Satya Budi, Pitriyana, and Ardji, Chemistry Students Class of 2012 who won third place in the scientific writing competition (LKTI) held by Phytoplasm Pharmacy Untan, followed a few months later by the Debate Team. FMIPA Untan representatives, namely Mas Inda Putrinesia and Wahyu Febrian R, Chemistry Students, Class of 2013, and Clarissa Alrizkia Yachmans, Chemistry Students, Class of 2011, who succeeded in winning Hope II at the Untan FKIP Education Fair (PRP), and Indri Puspa Ningrum, Chemistry Students, Class of 2012, along with colleagues who were also managed to win first place in the same event. Towards the 11th anniversary of the Chemistry Student Association (HIMKI), a proud achievement was achieved by Septami Setiawati, a Chemistry Student Class of 2011 who succeeded in making the name of Chemistry even more fragrant and shining, where she succeeded in becoming First Place as Untan's Most Outstanding Student (MAWAPRES) in 2014 . The achievements of Chemistry Students in the middle of 2014 were closed temporarily with the achievements achieved by several new students from the Class of 2013, namely Mas Inda Putrinesia as 1st Place in the 55th Untan Anniversary Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in the Field of Science and Technology, Toto Hermanto. as 2nd Place Winner of the 55th Untan Anniversary Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in the Humanities Sector, Rohana Widyaningrum as 3rd Winner in the 55th Untan Anniversary Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in the Field of Entrepreneurship, Muhammad Khafillah as the First Runner-up of the Competition, as well as chemistry students class of 2009 such as Asti Jayanti as Second Place Winner of the 55th Untan Anniversary Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in the field of Science, Technology and Iman Saputra Pertama as the Third Place Champion in the 55th Untan Anniversary Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) in the Field of Entrepreneurship. Hopefully in the future the achievements that can make the name of Chemistry proud will not only stop here, but will be much better and can encourage other Chemistry students to continue to give a good name to the Department of Chemistry.