The Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program (Prodi) FMIPA Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) in the Odd Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year has implemented one of the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) programs, namely: Industrial Internship Program. This program is open to students from the class of 2019. The registration process will take place from June to July 2022. The number of applicants who meet the administrative requirements is 16 students, who then take part in the written selection and interview stages. The results of the selection selected 6 students who passed to take part in industrial internships at PT. Pundi Equatorial Land for 1 semester. The achievements of the learning plan will be recognized in 21 course credits.
"Written Selection of Industrial Internship Participants"
Selected students who will take part in the internship have received a 10-day training course, taking place from 15-26 August 2022. The training activity aims to prepare students before carrying out activities in an industrial environment, so that the internship process will run well. These internship students will then be supervised by a Field Supervisor (DPL) from the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program FMIPA UNTAN and a Field Supervisor from industry who will accompany them during the internship period.
"Interview Selection of Industrial Internship Participants"
The release of industrial apprentice participants took place on Friday, August 26 2022 at the FMIPA UNTAN Senate Room. This activity was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Chemistry Study Program Lecturers, Heads of Departments within the faculty, representatives of PT. Pundi Equatorial Land and students. The release event was opened by the Secretary of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNTAN, Dr. Endah Sayekti, M.Sc. Next, an activity presentation was carried out by the Chair of the MBKM Chemistry Study Program, Imelda Silalahi, Ph.D.
Also on this occasion, Dr. Gusrizal as Dean of FMIPA UNTAN congratulated the participants selected in the MBKM Industrial Internship Program activity. Participants are expected to make the best use of their industrial internship time. Later, students will gain sufficient work experience, not only hard skills, but also soft skills, such as: how to communicate, work together in teams, time discipline, which is in line with the demands of the business and industrial world.
On the other hand, the partners/companies themselves will also get talents who are ready to work, and if they are suitable or suitable, these students will be able to be recruited directly by the partners, thereby reducing recruitment and training costs. At the end of his speech, the Dean also emphasized that when students work in industry they must comply with SOPs (Product Operational Standards) and always maintain the good name of the faculty and university.
Professor of Agroindustrial Chemistry, Prof. Dr. H. Thamrin Usman, DEA also provided advice to industrial internship students. The hope is that we can implement the knowledge we have gained well. Representative of PT. Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa welcomes this program, making it a form of Academic – Industry collaboration. The event closed with prayer and a group photo session.
Dengan belangsungnya acara pelepasan peserta Magang Industri ini, menandakan bahwa mahasiswa telah siap untuk bertugas dan menggali ilmu di dunia kerja industry yang kompetitif.
Berikut dokumentasi kegiatan pengantaran peserta mahasiswa magang industri oleh tim MBKM Prodi S1 Kimia ke lokasi PT. Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa.
Penyerahan dokumen IA oleh ketua prodi Kimia kepada mitra PT. Pundi Lahan Khatulistiwa