That's what was heard on 18 - 23 November 2013 at Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. This is because the 2013 UNTAN Science and Engineering Expedition (Scene) Team visited Malaysia with a mission to exchange information in the field of research carried out by students. Apart from that, they also introduced the culture of Indonesia through dance.
Tuesday evening (19 November 2013) at around 22.00 Malaysia time, the 2013 Untan Science and Engineering Expedition (Scene) Team arrived at Senai International Airport, Johor Bahru, after traveling overland from Pontianak to Kuching for around 9 hours. Upon arrival at the airport, they were immediately warmly welcomed by students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Together with the team from UTM, the 2013 Scene Team was immediately taken to their accommodation to rest. Over the next 3 days, there will be several agendas carried out by the Scene 2013 Team at UTM and its surroundings.
Wednesday (20 November 2013), the main activities of Scene 2013 will be held. For the first session of activities from Wednesday morning to afternoon, there will be a presentation of research results/products from 5 Untan students (Scene Team) and 5 UTM students, as well as 1 research result from an Untan lecturer. This first session activity was held in room L50 on the UTM campus. The event started at 09.00 Malaysia time with opening remarks from UTM and Untan lecturers. After the opening remarks, we continued with eating the food served by UTM. Next, there was a presentation of research results/products from 5 Untan students (Scene Team) from 5 UTM students, as well as 1 research result from an Untan lecturer. On this occasion, 5 Untan students were represented by Eka Oktaviani, Wiji Napitupulu, Milda Surgani Firdania, Handri Zir Azhar, and Weni Mandasari, all five of whom presented their product results according to their respective fields. Meanwhile, from the lecturer's side, Untan was represented by Sri Rezeki, S.Si, M.Sc, M.Sc. The audience was quite enthusiastic about this activity. It was evident that many questions were asked of them. This first session closed with a group photo.
In the evening, which was the second session, a Cultural Exchange Night was held between Untan and UTM. This activity was held at the UTM Arts Building. Each university displays its art. The Untan Scene Team performed Indonesian dances and medleys of music from various regions. The UTM Team itself performed typical Malay dances. After the Cultural Exchange was finished, it continued with a photo with Untan and UTM.
Thursday (21 November 2013), the Scene Team and the UTM Team carried out friendly activities by visiting historical and famous places in Singapore. Singapore is an area close to Johor Bahru. In this activity, both teams were introduced to the history of several places in Singapore. Places visited include Sentosa, Merlion, China Town, Bugis Street, and Mustafa Center. They explained a lot about the history and stories of these places. It didn't feel like their journey lasted until late at night. Wednesday's activities closed with dinner with the Untan Scene Team and UTM at one of the eating places in Johor Bahru.