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Science Day 2023 Chemistry Insight Center Together With Sd Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak Held An Interesting Experiment

On March 18 2023, CIC held a Science Day with @sdmuhammadiyah2ptk, which was attended by around 60 students from classes 3, 4 and 5 Smart Special.

Science Day is an activity held by the Chemistry Insight Center which on this occasion collaborates with @sdmuhammadiyah2ptk with the theme "Little Scientists in Action". The objectives of this activity include:

  1. Introducing students to chemistry which is part of science and science which is closely related to everyday life;
  2. Members and students explore and explore basic knowledge in the field of chemistry regarding science and technology;
  3. Collaborating with students in exploring and honing skills in thinking and acting creatively, productively, critically, collaboratively and communicatively through a scientific approach according to the stage of development of children's thinking;
  4. Encouraging students to be aware of problems related to the surrounding environment and inviting them to solve science and technology-based problems that are environmentally friendly and
  5. The persuasive forum invites people to care about global environmental issues and participate in solving problems in a way that is fun and easy for children to accept.

Science Day with the theme Little Scientists in Action carried out several kinds of experiments such as Visit Volcano, Circuit Tester in Electrolyte Media, How to Know Properties Of Light, and Stacking Colors of Solutions.

  • Visit Volcano

This volcanic eruption experiment is only to imitate natural events related to volcanic activity, in the form of lava coming out of the mountain crater. "The materials needed to make a volcano eruption experiment are vinegar, baking soda, seteoform, and dye that matches the color of the magma,"

Why does an eruption occur? The 'volcano' erupts when the acidic vinegar meets the alkaline baking soda and neutralizes the acidic properties. Then the volcano emits carbon dioxide which creates bubbles and sounds."

  • Circuit Tester in Electrolyte Media

The principle of this experiment is based on the tendency of chemical compounds to decompose into ions when in aqueous solution, thus showing the character of an electrolyte solution. If no dissociation occurs then it is classified as a non-electrolyte solution. An electrical circuit is made by connecting a light to the positive and negative electrodes from a battery. When the electrode is dipped into the solution, the light comes on accompanied by gas bubbles indicating that the solution is a strong electrolyte, if only one of these characteristics is visible then it is classified as a weak electrolyte. Non electrolyte solutions do not show. there are symptoms of flashing lights and gas bubbles.

This experiment uses a solution of salt, sugar, vinegar, and baking soda. Later, students will classify the solution into strong, weak, or non-electrolyte solutions based on the experiments they have carried out.

  • How to Know Properties Of Light

The properties of light are that it travels in a straight line, can be reflected, can be refracted, and can be described. This experiment uses simple tools such as glass, a flashlight, and a closed box which will then show the properties of light when the flashlight is shot through a mirror or through a small hole.

  • Stacking Colours of Solutions

This experiment was carried out by mixing various solutions and observing the changes that occurred based on their density. This approach not only creates a pleasant learning atmosphere, but also helps in developing children's observation, analysis and creativity skills. Solutions that have a large density value will be at the bottom while those that have a small density value will be at the top layer

The enthusiasm of the students makes the activity atmosphere exciting and makes time pass so quickly, hopefully CIC can hold another Science Day with SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak, with more interesting experiments.