Septami Setiawati, Student of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) Class of 2011, succeeded in making a proud history for her achievement in winning 1st place in the 2014 University Level Student Achievement Election (MAWAPRES) (Thursday, 24/04/2014). There is no achievement, without struggle. He went through step by step, filled with effort and prayer until he succeeded in reaching the top position in this MAWAPRES event. Starting from the faculty level selection, Septami succeeded in becoming the best out of 3 other candidates, Dita Meilina (Biology 2011), Dwi Haryanto (Mathematics 2011) and Abdurrahman Bachtiar (Physics 2010).
At the University level selection, Septami presented a scientific paper entitled "CA-AC Composite Membrane from Water Hyacinth in an Economical Drinking Water Treatment System to Overcome the Water Crisis in Indonesia" with Mrs. Berlian Sitorus, M.Si, M.Sc as supervisor. In the preparation process, Septami was also assisted by many parties, including lecturers, seniors, and colleagues, in efforts to perfect the scientific paper, especially in terms of content, grammar, and appearance during presentations. Through as much effort as possible and of course, the most important thing was the prayers of her parents, Septami appeared carefree and full of confidence until finally she was crowned champion in this year's UNTAN MAWAPRES, followed by Tajul Anshor (Faculty of Medicine 2010) as Second Place and Yuvika (Faculty of Economics 2011) as 3rd Place. In this event, various aspects are used as assessment material, including academic achievement, activeness in student activities, English language skills, as well as assessment of scientific papers presented.
Due to her achievements, Septami became UNTAN's representative in the 2014 National MAWAPRES Selection. Currently, she is also preparing everything necessary for the national selection process. Furthermore, there are several competition tips that he wants to share with his colleagues, including: keep praying to God for all the processes you take, ask for guidance, and strength, so that your steps become light and of course always be grateful for whatever the results are. Next is the blessing and prayers of our parents who always accompany our steps. Apart from that, the role of the supervisor is very important in every competition, apart from being a consultant and role model, the supervisor also plays a role as a motivator. What is no less important in competing is never to "underestimate" other participants and not to think that you are the greatest. That way we can fight more "freely", without burden.