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Ready Early, The Key To Success In The Student Creativity Program

As an effort to improve the quality of Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposals, the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Tanjungpura University held a PKM Proposal Preparation Workshop by presenting resource person Dr. Gusrizal, M.Si, Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and also Reviewer for PKM Dikti. This activity was carried out on Friday, 8 September 2017 in Room F2, Untan Chemistry S2 Building. Dozens of Chemistry students from various classes took part and enthusiastically participated in the workshop.

In his presentation, Dr. Gusrizal explained various tips for writing PKM proposals. He also provided philosophy and motivation for students, that students are required to know, think critically, self-management and communication skills, all of which will lead to the ability to find solutions to problems.

The holding of this proposal preparation workshop was one of the initiation efforts of the Chemistry Department which was coordinated by Dr. Anis Shofiyani so that chemistry students, in particular, can prepare PKM proposals early, so that from writing to various technical matters related to PKM students can follow them well, which will eventually lead to a quality proposal work, both in terms of proposal material and no less important is the process student learning in scientific and non-academic activities.