Last weekend, on Saturday, 11-03-2017, the Chemistry Department of FMIPA Untan held a meeting with its alumni to discuss the 2017 department accreditation. This event was opened by Mr. Afghani Jayuska S.Si, M.Si as head of the Chemistry department.
Mr Afghani said that one of the factors that influences the value or accreditation points is the alumni. Do the alumni have a forum that can bring them together or not?
Why is that? Mr Afghani also told about a chemistry alumnus who applied for a job at a government agency in Jakarta. One of the requirements that prospective workers must fulfill is that they must come from a university with a minimum department accreditation of B. Luckily at that time the Chemistry department was already accredited B by BAN-PT. However, nowadays we know that many elite companies require workers to graduate from majors with A accreditation.
Apart from accreditation purposes, the existence of the Chemistry Alumni Association will be a forum that can strengthen the relationship between alumni, and can also help make it easier for prospective alumni to get job links.
On this weekend, the bureaucrats hoped that a Chemistry Alumni Association would be formed.
“We are happy if alumni can work and be competent anywhere. Both local and national. "It is hoped that with the funds of the Chemistry Alumni Association, we can get a wider job network," said Mr Afghani.
The event continued with the socialization of the draft curriculum for the Chemistry department as well as the socialization of the Vision and Mission which are the ideals of Chemistry in the future, presented by Mrs. Nurlina S.Si, M.Sc. He said that the most important things a graduate must have are: Attitudes and values, mastery of scientific fields and general knowledge, managerial skills or abilities that will be required when we work. These points can be achieved more optimally if there is input from ideas from alumni.
On this occasion, alumni were given the opportunity to provide suggestions and responses regarding the world of work that could be shaped by students as prospective alumni from an early age. Alumni were also asked to fill out a number of questionnaires regarding development ideas and suggestions.
After the alumni gave their responses, the event continued with the formation of the Chemistry Alumni Association, namely the formation of the management. This session was filled with laughter because fellow alumni and lecturers and alumni seemed friendly.
The management of the Chemistry Alumni Association for the 2017/2018 period was selected as follows:
Chairman : Ridho Briliantoro (2006)
Treasurer : Atma (2003)
General Secretary : Susi Linda Sari (2012)
Networking : Arimbi (2010)
Information & Communication : Ihsan (2005)
It is hoped that the elected management will draw up an overview of the Articles of Association/Bylaws (AD/ART) which will be reviewed at the upcoming May 2017 meeting.