On Tuesday 13 February 2018 FMIPA UNTAN carried out a scientific visit to the Pontianak Industrial Research and Standardization Center. This activity is a visit as well as a comparative study regarding improving the quality and quality of laboratories at FMIPA UNTAN and as a follow-up to the MoU that was signed by FMIPA and Baristand in September 2017. The comparative study activity was completed smoothly. This is due to good cooperation from various parties as well as instructors who are experts in their fields. The comparative study activity involved the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Head of the Research and Biotechnology Laboratory, Chemistry Laboratory Assistant, and Biology Laboratory Assistant. The first event was a presentation about the profile of the Pontianak Industrial Research and Standardization Center by Mrs. Olis Ratnasari, SH as Head of the Pontianak Industrial Baristand.
The next event was a visit to the Laboratory which includes the Calibration Laboratory, Water Laboratory, Food Commodity Laboratory, Air and Waste Water Laboratory, Research Laboratory, and Microbiology Laboratory. During a visit to the Calibration Laboratory, the guide explains the procedures and mechanisms for calibrating tools such as Analytical Balance and AAS. Next, the visit continued in the Water laboratory, the guide explained about the various tests usually carried out on Water samples and the instruments needed in them. The next visit was the Air and Wastewater Laboratory. In this laboratory, participants are also given an explanation about the disposal and storage of waste as well as ways to prevent the release of this waste into the environment. The following are several activities in the Calibration Laboratory and Water Laboratory that have been successfully documented.
The next visit is the Food Commodity Laboratory. In this laboratory, participants receive an explanation regarding several food tests such as testing protein, fat and carbohydrate levels. Participants were also explained about the procedures for storing chemicals for analysis needs. The visit ended in the microbiology laboratory and research laboratory and continued with midday prayers. The event ends at 13.00 WIB. We hope that the results of this visit and comparative study can be applied in the UNTAN FMIPA Chemistry Laboratory and can be useful for both practical activities and students' final assignment research. The following are some of the documentation results from the Food Commodity Laboratory and Research Laboratory.
Written by : Januria