A major annual agenda at Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) entitled Trans Java-Bali Biodiesel Expedition 2012 – Renewable Energy for a Better Future, which on July 3 2012 was officially opened by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, has been successfully implemented by the student team UNTAN is the organizing committee for this activity involving participants from 3 ASEAN countries. The UNTAN student team was directly guided by the Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Thamrin Usman, DEA, who is also a biodiesel expert and has successfully held various expedition agendas during each stopover across the islands of Java and Bali. The UNTAN student team consisting of various study program backgrounds was also accompanied by Ir. Waskitha, M.M (Vice Rector III), several lecturers, Official Managers, and consultants for expedition activities. In organizing this activity, UNTAN collaborated with 6 (six) Partner Universities in 3 ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Laos, including Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), National University of Laos (NUOL), Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA), Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Diponegoro University (UNDIP) and Udayana University (UNUD).
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (UNTIRTA) in Banten was the first destination for this expedition. Biodiesel Talk and a Factory Visit to Krakatau Steel were the initial agenda items held. On the Biodiesel Talk agenda, there was a discussion regarding the development of alternative biodiesel energy research, biodiesel production in Indonesia, and an explanation of the biodiesel expedition program both from a scientific perspective and developing student character in an activity organization. Present as speakers were Mrs. Winda Rahmalia, S.Si, M.Si (UNTAN), Mr. Rudi Hartono, ST, MT (UNTIRTA), and Prof. Madya Dr. Firdausi bin Razali (UTM). The discussion took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The expedition agenda in Jakarta was filled with the official opening of activities by the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Mohammad Nuh, DEA is located in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Building. Present at the opening ceremony, the Chancellor of UNTAN, Prof. Dr. Thamrin Usman, DEA, and representatives of PERUM DAMRI and PTPN XIII as main sponsors. The Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture in his speech expressed his appreciation to UNTAN for taking the initiative to hold this activity. According to him, there are 3 important things implied in this activity. First, Scientific Activities, where in this activity students and lecturers work together to develop research and applications on a scientific basis. In the current era of globalization, research priorities are directed at 3 basic human needs, namely: Food, Energy, and Water, so Biodiesel as a source of renewable energy for the future is a very important priority for development.