To strengthen the curriculum and prepare for accreditation for the 2018-2023 period, the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University held a Workshop on Curriculum Preparation for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study Programs as well as Socialization of Postgraduate Postgraduate Study Programs on Tuesday, 08 August 2017. This activity was carried out to gather opinions from users Chemistry alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are related to the curriculum implemented in the learning system to produce graduate output that is needed by alumni users. Some of the alumni users (stakeholders) who were present to provide input included representatives from Pontianak Industrial Baristand, UPB Faculty of Agriculture, PTPN and the Kubu Raya Regency Environment, Pontianak City Environmental Agency, West Kalimantan Provincial Government Goods Quality Monitoring and Certification Unit, Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri and Bank Bukopin.
In this activity, various opinions from stakeholders were explained to the Chemistry Department curriculum team regarding the implementation of the curriculum that had been implemented and plans for reorganizing the new curriculum for the next learning process. Efforts to restructure the curriculum for the teaching and learning process are carried out to improve the quality of learning so that it is hoped that chemistry graduates will be of good quality and by the needs desired by stakeholders. The undergraduate chemistry study program curriculum workshop was delivered by Mrs. Titin Anita Zaharah as well as the Curriculum Team. Meanwhile, the curriculum workshop and master's program socialization were delivered by Dr. Andi Hairil Alimuddin, as head of postgraduate program management. At the end of the discussion, it was concluded that it was necessary to prepare a new curriculum to strengthen the curriculum to improve the quality of graduates. Apart from that, strengthening the curriculum is also expected to improve the quality of learning needed to achieve department accreditation towards A. This activity was also attended by chemistry department lecturers and faculty representatives. The activity closed with a group photo and a cooperation agreement for several related stakeholders.