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Increasing High School Students' Interest In Science, Pkm Team Of Chemistry Department Lecturers Holds Outreach

The Community Service Team (PKM) Lecturers in the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University held a higher education outreach to students at SMA Negeri 9 Singkawang. This activity is intended as a means to increase the interest of SMA Negeri 9 Singkawang students in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNTAN through demonstrations of chemistry practicums and scientific work training. The PKM Lecturer Team led directly by the Head of the Department, Mr. H. Afghani Jayuska, S.Si, M.Si was received by the Principal, Mr. Djoko Supriatno, S.T. The socialization was held on Friday, September 2 2016, which was attended by students from classes XI and XII Science.

The socialization activities were attractive and created various discussions between lecturers and students. Students get information about the UNTAN campus in general and of course in-depth information/profiles of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNTAN, starting from history, academic programs, facilities, entry/selection routes, achievements, superior research topics to profiles of Chemistry Department alumni in the world of work. and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, for class XII Science students, a practical demonstration was held via video media demonstrated by students from the Chemistry Department. This is one medium to illustrate that chemistry is very closely related to everyday life.


Simple Chemistry Practical Demonstration

Apart from that, for class Activities become more interesting with quiz sessions and door prizes. The PKM activities carried out from DIPA FMIPA UNTAN funding have gone well. There is great hope from the PKM Team of Chemistry Department Lecturers that this activity can provide benefits as provisions, enthusiasm and motivation for students as they move towards higher education in the future. “Chemistry, for a better future”






