The Chemistry Study Competition (LBSK) is an annual event held by the Chemistry Student Association (HIMKI) to attract the interest and talent of young people towards education. Students from all over West Kalimantan and Indonesia competed in Pontianak to become the winner. LBSK is one of the work programs in Scientific Reasoning (PI) HIMKI FMIPA Untan.
LBSK has been held 13 times since the founding of HIMKI in 2002. On this occasion, LBSK raised the theme: "My Nature for the Future of My Country".LBSK consists of three competition categories, namely:
LBSK (Chemistry Study Competition) for Students throughout West Kalimantan
LKTI (Scientific Writing Competition) for Students throughout West Kalimantan
National Student LKTI (Scientific Writing Competition).
Each competition has five winners. From first place to second place. Come on, let's see the winners who are smiling happily with their prizes.
Winner of LBSK (Chemistry Study Competition) for Students in West Kalimantan
First Place : Ahmad Naufal from SMAN 1 Pontianak
Second Place: Hanna Astuti from Immanuel Christian High School Pontianak
Third Place: Kevin J from Immanuel International Christian High School Pontianak
Harapan I : Ihza Fikri Zaki K from MAN 2 Pontianak
Harapan II : Vincentius Patrick Julianto from SMA Tunas Bangsa Kubu Raya
Winner of LKTI (Scientific Writing Competition) for Students throughout West Kalimantan
First Place : Chaerul Sani, Reza Fuad and Susanto from SMAN 1 Sambas
Second Place : Luthfi Imam Sulistiyo, Muhammad Rafhy D from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2
3rd Place : Umi Adilah Lutfiyah, Hasnah Arista Ananti from MAN Insan Scholar Sambas
Harapan I : Titani Angela, Stella Clarissa and Yusrill from Tunas Bangsa School
Harapan II : Muslimah, Uray Annisa and Tyasbaluh from SMAN 10 Singkawang
Student LBSK and Student LKTI were attended by high school and equivalent students from 2 cities and 9 districts in West Kalimantan. In the future, the committee hopes to finalize the student selection strategy so that all senior high schools (SMA) and equivalents in West Kalimantan can be reached.
Winner of the National Student LKTI (Scientific Writing Competition).
First Place : Akhmad Zaenuddin Jazuli, Bdrun Nilam and Imam Setiawan from Sebelas Maret State University
Second Place : Bayu Persawan, Agmi Dimas Isbusandi from Teddy Ariyadi Setiyanto from Mulawarman University
Third Place : Zufita Wahidatur Rohmana, Annis Rosyidah and Hani Khairunnisa Nur Azizah from the Bogor Agricultural Institute
Harapan I : Muhammad Misbahul Munir and Moh Abdul Afif from Brawijaya University
Harapan II : Medila Erna Muslim, Hasnah Septia Yanti and Delila Eliza from Andalas University
Mr. Afghani Jayuska, S.Si, M.Si as the head of the department who closed this event congratulated the winners and advised other participants who had not had the opportunity to win to remain enthusiastic and must fight to become winners the following year. According to him, LBSK is one of the means that can prepare the youth of West Kalimantan to meet Indonesia's success in the future. Through LBSK, youth work for the glory of the nation.
Muhammad Syahwandi as chairman admitted that he was very satisfied with the success of LBSK XIII due to hard work and support from various parties. Both fellow committee members, seniors, chemistry lecturers, and sponsors. The committee of 84 people divided into nine divisions looked happy after the event. They also took photos and took selfies at the end of the event.
In the last ten minutes, the participants and guests were moved by two closing dances, namely the Tidayu (Chinese-Dayak-Melayu) dance and the NKRI (Unitary Republic of Indonesia) dance which were performed in traditional regional clothing costumes from several tribes in Indonesia. Riska Mei Lani and Risky Widya Saputri, who were the dance trainers, said they were very satisfied with the performance of the two dances. They hope that through this dance, young people can again feel the unity and unity of Indonesia which has recently been shaky. Wow, it turns out that apart from studying on campus, Chemistry students can also dance. (Ning's)
*Photo source: HIMKI FMIPA Tanjungpura University